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Search results for query: *

  1. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    It's absolutely possible to do studies of suicide rates for trans people who have been allowed to transition vs. those who haven't, and based on level of acceptance. And the conclusion they reach is that the suicide rate goes way down if trans people are accepted rather than being ostracised or...
  2. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    That's an entirely separate issue, and there's really no solution to that other than the mods showing good judgement when receiving reports like that.
  3. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    There's always the option of not using pronouns at all. No-one is being compelled to use specific pronouns, just to avoid intentionally using the wrong ones. And, frankly, being autistic on a forum invariably requires you to "lie" about things, or at minimum hide your beliefs. I've got in...
  4. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    No, it's not "false equivocation". There's no inherent difference between misgendering a cis person and misgendering a trans person. The only difference might be your motivation for doing so, but that's extremely difficult to judge and way too open to abuse. Plus, there might be a reason why...
  5. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Have you ever seen anyone say that who is not very obviously doing it as an attack on trans people? Would you consider it to be acceptable to deliberately refer to a cis girl as "he" after being informed otherwise? If not, then I don't see how you think it's OK to do it to trans people...
  6. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Accidentally misusing someone's pronouns on a forum is not an issue. It happens all the time. Not only to trans people, either, since it's not like you can necessarily tell someone's gender from their username or avatar. It's just something you have to live with on a forum where people are...
  7. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Regardless of what you call it, you're being deliberately offensive towards someone to prove a point. So, yes, it's absolutely, 100% a Rule 1 violation.
  8. Cherry Lover

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Unless someone openly states that they're trans or transitions whilst on the forum and asks people to use different pronouns, how would anyone even know that they're trans in the first place? That's the benefit of anonymous/pseduonymous posting, no-one has any information on your gender beyond...