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Search results for query: *

  1. Reece

    Rule 8 Announcement

    I have a degree in human genetics. It is not provably untrue. It's very uncommon, and it's a disease. No different from any other genetic disorder. There are a lot of problems associated with sex chromosome disorders, they are in some cases life limiting, they are in most cases very life...
  2. Reece

    Rule 8 Announcement

    I have already pointed out that I am not neurotypical, and I'm asking questions in good faith; I feel that insulting my intelligence is unironically very bigoted, and I'd like an apology for that. I am confused as to why you have suddenly become so hostile over this? I am not dehumanizing, or...
  3. Reece

    Rule 8 Announcement

    That's not at all the same thing and you know it. You can pretend it is, and enforce it like it is, but that doesn't mean it is. Someone believing that a transsexual is just a mentally ill 'Gender X' is not seeing said treating said person without basic decency - unless you think that all the...
  4. Reece

    Rule 8 Announcement

    I think the main issue is less 'person is offended' and more 'I wrote this character this way' and the author getting dinged for having to explain that. I'm not even sure how an individual pronoun issue would arise unless both parties are trying to engage in an argument. Like: "I am actually a...
  5. Reece

    Rule 8 Announcement

    This seems very uncontroversial? Like, to me a man is a man, a woman is a woman, your sex is your chromosomes, nothing else matters. But realistically, who cares? If someone wants to be called 'she' or 'he;. It's a webforum? How could you tell anything else. I could be a three armed, pansexual...