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Search results for query: *

  1. TotalAbsolutism

    Rule 8 Announcement

    After a thorough review, it seems that most of the meltdown that happened here was about something that was utterly irrelevant to the actual rule change. All we had intended to do was codify an internal policy change; that the mere discussion of a non-standard gender or sexual identity existing...
  2. TotalAbsolutism

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Although, y'know, if you're obviously making a point of not doing it then you'd be hit same as if you were calling names in general. Otherwise, yes.
  3. TotalAbsolutism

    Rule 8 Announcement

    I believe I made myself perfectly clear when I compared this to the Covid thread. Don't even start. Continue to obey rule one, and nothing will change.
  4. TotalAbsolutism

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Yes, that ought to be the case.
  5. TotalAbsolutism

    Rule 8 Announcement

    No. This has been under discussion for some time by the moderation team. The long version is that due to these issues prior being held under the umbrella of Rule 8 there was a not-insignificant problem with people kicking up an unwarranted fuss regarding characters having differing or...