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Search results for query: *

  1. sinereal

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Fair enough. At this point, any further is just me arguing because I like to argue. I've got work to do, so I'm putting it down.
  2. sinereal

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Yes, I have. False equivocation/intentionally missing the point. The point being, you have the right to ask me to call you whatever you like, I have the right to refuse. And that disallowing that refusal, forcing capitulation, would in turn violate the rights of the one being forced, dehumanize...
  3. sinereal

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Okay, I'll take this one. Do you (the moderation of QQ, not you specifically ultima) consider it disrespectful, dehumanizing, and denigrating to force someone to conform to opinions or beliefs they do not hold? Because, unless I'm misreading the replies, that's... kinda what it looks like...
  4. sinereal

    Rule 8 Announcement

    Attack helicopter-phobe. /s There are people who identify as dinosaurs, animals, dragons, aliens, and more. At this point, I'm not going to put it past someone to, in all seriousness, identify as a literal attack helicopter. Or get real creative and identify as a transformer robotkin/helicopter...
  5. sinereal

    Rule 8 Announcement

    That's fair enough. Everyone wants to be respected and treated as a person, with inalienable rights. But those inalienable rights are actually very specifically defined in most places. For instance: Put another way, you (*sigh* the general 'you,' not you specifically) have the right to say...