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Search results for query: *

  1. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    ...oh shit they really need to get Kayden to Amy now!
  2. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    If only there was a cape in Brockton Bay with a biokinetic power that Dinah could ask to change Annette's paterntal DNA to match Danny instead. *Whistles innocently*
  3. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    That's a lot better...it still makes me want to shove Kaiser into a woodchipper feet first.
  4. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Oh goddammit! I did not need to be feeling rage before I go to bed :mad:...and looks like Purity's going to be Nazi hunting sooner then she ever hoped.
  5. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So who wants to bet that Ziz is giggling like a maniac up in orbit right now over the coming shenanigans?
  6. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Well now it looks like Purity might not get the chance to hold back against Max and her old friends in the end after all. :p
  7. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    This chapter pleases RNGsus. :cool::p
  8. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    How to make an overpowered Thinker team step 1.
  9. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Actually it would be amusing as all hell if Andrea does allude to a threesome....but then states that no Danny is not Annete's father.;) Come on you know she would.:p
  10. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Ah so Dinah got Pattern Recognition as a QA Thinker power. EDIT: Though you're making Dinah feel like she's in elementary and not middle school because isn't she like 12 - 13?
  11. Chojomeka

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I'm glad this isn't a one-shot because Muwhahahahahaha! :D Oh gods just imagine how scary it would be if Contessa, Taylor, Shamrock, and Lisa teamed up together.