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Search results for query: *

  1. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I assumed he was reading things on his helmet screen and payed just enough attention to act if anyone got physical.
  2. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    To be fair, Night and Fog are horribly mentally broken.
  3. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    That is indeed the case, but most of us (can't speak for everyone), feels that this works a lot better in terms of the story. It's just how things are.
  4. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Can someone link that MarquisxBrandish story? Sounds interesting.
  5. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    If you are surprised by that, you don't understand Max's character. This is exactly how I would have imagined him reacting.
  6. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Like the re-write better than the original. The lack of Janet's PoV fits the chapter better, as it lets the scene have more significance than just a PtV plot.
  7. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Not that I am aware. The original version of this chapter had Max choking Danny, but that was changed as too extreme, so was changed to Max punching Danny, which discombobulates him enough that he doesn't manage to hear Max threaten Annette with the whole 'tell him you never want to see him...
  8. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So I read the changes made to the end of the last chapter. Does someone want to explain what message she was trying to pass on?
  9. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I am almost positive that doing that without causing massive complications is a lot more complicated that one suspects. It could be done, especially because space whale magic, but the person's body then needs to run on regular physics...
  10. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    It is a much better scene, that much I have to agree. I still don't see how it is going to work out for him (Max) in the end. If Andrea tells her daughter why they are suddenly moving, she will likely tell Taylor, and then Taylor will get Dinah involved. The only way I can see that not happening...
  11. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Not sure whether that relieves me or not...
  12. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I fail to see how he thinks she won't have contact with the Heberts anymore. Annette goes to school with Taylor. She will likely tell Taylor that for no discernible reason, her and her mom are being forced to live with the father that they have not had any contact with for 15 years. Dinah could...
  13. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Very much prefer the newly edited scene. Cheating is one of my hot buttons, and the original scene managed to hit it. This one doesn't :D
  14. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I know it's only meant to be in jest, but that whole thing where Anne-Rose slept with Andrea while going out with Danny is bothering me. Did Danny know that it was happening? This will keep bothering me until I know...
  15. RoninSword

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Love the story, so very nice to see Piggot shock SS. So Andrea was an actual character from canon? I don't remember her...