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Search results for query: *

  1. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Her power is being totally not Leviathan, perfectly possible she's just that powerful. Also, given her trigger event and her power it's going to be really damn hard to induce a second trigger without doing something like surgically grafting hatchetface onto her. Second triggers working best if...
  2. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Nilbog. Because hey, she decided to try and tentacles are kinky?
  3. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Dates are less reliable without some complex question caging, I mean whether someone joins is a boolean, they either join or they don't. When they will do something is trickier, for example if you cast over a few months you could have a dozen days spread out with roughly equal chances yet each...
  4. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Correct. So her power doesn't cause a cramp or anything as she attempts to confuse it? What if she asks it something like what is seven minus the number I am about to roll? Ooh, what if she asks it what is the chance of her rolling the number she is about to roll?
  5. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So random thought, what if she asks her power what number she'll roll on the die she's rolling?
  6. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    On a serious note, how good is Dinah's ability to manage people and help them use their powers? Because if she could meaningfully help Noelle or Elle deal with the issues with their powers... But yeah, there could be some interesting stuff occurring.
  7. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    No, that'd be potentially interesting. Of course, in HPMoR fashion you'd have to rewrite several of the biggest threats so they're more vulnerable to it, maybe nerfing Scion so he's weak to bug venom or something? Ooh! And you'll have to make it so they can exploit their thinker power to make...
  8. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Does that work? I mean I know Jack Slash's shard is surprisingly adept but is there any evidence it can tell when someone is remotely using a thinker power on them and adapt to that? He's not Contessa after all who works to avoid ever being in a bad situation and has a power to facilitate that...
  9. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    It's still functionally the same though whether you use a search by repeatedly cutting out results or skipping to the end with the difference in time taken generally only a tiny matter of rolls due to the fact you could easily cut out huge chunks each time. It's still sifting through exactly the...
  10. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So don't give it the chance to be overly precise like that? Ask it something like which city will be attacked next rather than the exact location, saying the power will default to being unhelpful when a totally unremarkable change like using the word city instead of location really shouldn't be...
  11. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Isn't that what their power actually does though? At least if it's like Dinah or Contessa or whoever it actually works by checking huge amounts of data points and converting them into the correct form, and you've already stated repeatedly that it doesn't take it's own predictions into account as...
  12. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Didn't you already say she wouldn't do stuff like asking what's most likely because it's less effective? I'm pretty sure that was your counter argument to why couldn't she just ask where is the most likely location for the next S9 or Endbringer attack or whatever as it would be easier to just...
  13. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Or just have someone else roll for her, it's not as complex as needing something to roll them in and much more reliable.
  14. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So she could do something like the most likely location for tossing dice on a map? As that's just asking about percentages but it's asking what the event with the highest percentage is rather then asking for the percentages of a hundred different places, or is that too close to concrete data...
  15. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So it totally arbitrarily decides whether something happening can be predicted or just the chance of it happening can be predicted without any way to tell except attempting to predict what will happen and then waiting to see it worked? It can clearly predict the events after allSeems dodgy and...
  16. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    So use toothpicks instead of darts? Toothpicks aren't dice after all and they do work with her power. Now excuse me while my brain tries to reconcile her being able to predict pseudo-random events accurately as shown by guessing the page number of a book they hadn't opened to a page yet while...
  17. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Some of it sure, some can be done anyway with overly complex wording such as rolling a d8 for the first three bits of the ascii representation of the text she's trying to divine. Something like the darts on a map thing on the other hand should be pretty reliable as it's super easy to interpret...
  18. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Or you take my suggestion for pulling stuff people write down from the future to send science hurtling decades into the future in a matter of hours. That'd require high quantity data transfer. A bigger issue would be that the data suits the output, simply colour coding the dice or something...
  19. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    The issue is that her power is based off predicting things so unless you can figure out how to have them determine something it's not viable, I mean throwing a dart at a map is choosing a location so valid, but would throwing a knife at a person count as choosing a body part? Guns are a no go...
  20. Xilph

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    That's brilliant! Throwing darts at a map is a legitimate method of choosing a random location, all of those discussions of how to choose complex pieces of data like locations have been thrown out. Just take a big map/calendar/word list and throw darts at it. Where is the next S9 attack? *throws...