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Search results for query: *

  1. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Is there anything stopping Theo from continuing to check out Annette? Besides social taboos.
  2. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I specifically said "It's not entirely out of character considering the entitlement issues Max seems to have in this fic," my complaint is that the "token effort" of getting Andrea to come back willingly is written in such a way that even if she had considered Max her true love and had been...
  3. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    It was less an offer, and more Max telling Andrea that she now had a new place and better position. He clearly had no intention of taking no for an answer either way, but he skipped over the part of actually asking.
  4. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Basically my thoughts on this entire subplot. Kaiser finds out about Andrea and Annette and immediately tries to get them back in the most ham-fisted way possible. Immediately resorting to threats, without even a token attempt at getting together willingly. It's not entirely out of character...
  5. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I really liked this part right here. Theo might hate his father, but he's still influenced by Max.
  6. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    I don't know about Australia, but in the USA parental rights are almost impossible to terminate. If at some point Annette had been adopted by someone else this might hold water, but otherwise Max absolutely have a claim over Annette. He'd owe fifteen years worth of child support, but he'd have...
  7. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    What actually happened was that there was a a tinker who really really hated the Girl Scouts and wanted them all to die, so she programmed a nanotech virus with the command "Kill all Girl Scouts." Except it turned out that the virus only targeted Scouts and ignored Guides completely, so the...
  8. Zackarix

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    Dinah is American, so as the term "Girl Scout cookies" implies, she would be a Girl Scout, not a Girl Guide.