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Search results for query: *

  1. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why? Follow us up here, why doncha Dummy? That'd be pretty cool to see, actually CX
  2. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Either way, that's fine — though even still you're coloring it too strongly; 'minionize' isn't what I'm going for. Gaining information from the encounter since he's actually talking to us / out loud about us is plenty. I'm basically leaving Mio's response to the QM — to attack or straight-up...
  3. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Or go my route and try and talk our way out. Also, important to note: my 'exit strategy' doesn't exclude "fighting", just leaving it to techniques vs "beast mode (?)"
  4. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I look forward to doing jutsu like Fuu's with our glorious glitter, let alone what else we might manage... As an aside, is this the first time Dummy actually talked to us? I feel like being recognized only now as someone worth talking to vs prey seems significant enough for more banter than...
  5. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens. Until someone forms a more fitting write-in, sticking with this.
  6. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That was a solid update, and well-described in terms of our priority to resolve the mental issue. The wrist-eye was also a good touch CX [X] You follow the chakra in. This is where we are~
  7. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] You need to beat the will behind your new arm into submission, somehow.
  8. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That's just timing though, EVA — for better or worse CX
  9. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Compromise to get some of what I'm interested in? As previously said, skeleton arm ain't winning at present. Not that I mind the bound arm, but the effort is interesting.
  10. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Because I do care. Is that so wrong to inquire before I make a choice? Good to know~ [x] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it...
  11. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Hey now, I don't want to assume my fellow voter's position, thank you very much cx
  12. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Ah, so doing both is irrelevant? DuskAtDawn your thoughts on the matter? Shall we go for Skeleton arm or Chakra arm, then?
  13. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Not completely unreasonable, especially since the whole point of our vote is doing both of the other two which is the only reason a tie is possible. Us two only puts the chakra arm to 30 — not the 32 you need — as opposed to those 28 + the 2 skeleton arm votes teaming up in the most appropriate...
  14. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Considering that we've literally had a similar conversation about Write-ins before, I would think there wouldn't be a problem; regardless, all it takes is a tag to Chibi-Reaper and then we wait and see, right?
  15. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Shame I can't convince all of the people voting for Chakra arm and Skeleton arm to team up with me and DuskAtDawn We'd be tied now, but such is life CX
  16. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    All the more reason not to take without knowledge and respect of its harmony in this place CX
  17. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Considering we could possibly return here once we have a contract, it's not like we can't do that in the future... (Not to mention on the off chance that doing something like that pisses off the summons / is actually super dangerous)
  18. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That is exactly what I meant, and partly for those very reasons CX But also because it's somewhat logical: Get a skeleton arm as a base rather than just trying to make a hand on the fly I don't see how this is relevant to what I'm voting for? After all, I'm not cutting off a 'fresh' arm —...
  19. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Don't mind me while I do a (somewhat) usual thing here: [X] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [X] The other thing that's here in abundance? Skeletons. Dusty, broken, but only sometimes walking around, but as a plus they generally have the right anatomy, less flesh. - [X] What you...
  20. Ψυχή

    Twisted Pinwheel

    For damn sure — Maybe Hinata too for our breakthrough? CX Also (if it hadn't already) our Library Tempban will be up by the time we return, I bet! :V ...wonder if now is a bad time to consider trying to gerry-rig the Mystic Palm Technique to patch ourselves up...