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Search results for query: *

  1. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    MIO's destined preferred use of Izanagispam, in scenarios where she can even get at that hotness: Izanagi'ing efforts to burn away her produced glitter - make it TRULY eternal shiny tainting! Hers shall be the most annoying of glitter!
  2. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    If the arm/MIO can still sprout regular Sharingan, I am so much more about that than Mangekyo, Eternal or otherwise. 'S all about Izanagi/Izanamispam, if such can ever be achieved. As far as I recall, Izanagi and Izanami never required Mangekyo to cast ('merely' being actual, for real...
  3. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    This seems the option that'd best facilitate THE GREAT MIO going full hammy pomp in any possible conversation that may transpire: [X] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why? Encounter some regular ol' skybeasts, some harpies, tengu, sky cities - doesn't...
  4. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Uh... You are aware that: The creature MIO just faced is from a setting where the term 'shoggoth' does not inherently exist, and per that there is no actual reason to confidently assume the rules of those other settings regarding creatures like that are remotely relevant. There are...
  5. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    ...Did you miss the part about it barely being one step removed from a gibbering beast, and toooootally uninterested in politics or groups or names or much of any of the things you just touted as hoping/expecting to get out of it? You wouldn't ask a local drunken street bum that gets in raging...
  6. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Y'all need to learn to enjoy and value theatrics and amusement more than numbers and munchkinry, if you think we have nothing on paper. Mio ate a horrible meat-monster inside her own mind because fuck you she's MIO - that's amazing! And from the flip side: Like the QM says what... what...
  7. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Yeah, it is a good job; it's so DIO BRANDO it just bleeds 'I think I'm so awesome the world should just do what I say', and given where THE GREAT DEVIL QUEEN MIO's character originated... I for one, am quite fond of the way our lil' munchkin's actually getting some terrifying things under her...
  8. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Following along with chakra that is forced in to gain submission =/= forcing chakra in with some sort of specific, grandiosely domineering (in-chara) message. The latter is even more... theatrical's not quite the right word, but- Or so it reads to me.
  9. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Can we do any write-ins here, Chibi-Reaper - or get a third option made? I ask because honestly, I don't feel like either option feels GREAT DEVIL QUEEN MIO enough, to me. Lock it down (don't deal with it really), or follow it's chakra in (sorta imply you think it's legit)? Where's the...
  10. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You need to practice using your arm for ninja-ing. Get the kinks out. Honestly? Blood's been a major part of several culture's diets many times throughout history, and gross as it may be the worms are probably providing not-inconsiderable nutrition too. It's gross, obviously, but...
  11. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work. As far as I understand Mio's approach to coils, fake coils, and the amount of...
  12. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Preventing the children from dying to your bite-back is part of a properly honed ability to not kill children! Ergo, medical jutsu!
  13. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] Is it Terminal?
  14. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That irrelevant to what you quoted though. Yep. I sure thought was the communicated point of my earlier post - that is, asserting that there was some form of constructive merit to the thing MIO'd been confirmed as doing (exhausted practice) rather than remotely attempting to assert it as some...
  15. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I am curious what the RIOT voters think will happen, exactly - did you think that: The bell sound we just heard, while at school before class, is not a bell denoting class's start? That the students who have happily watched this happen without any hint they'd do anything will, now that MIO's...
  16. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I'd vote Oops, except MIO was just confirmed as too tired and loopy for proper talking. She's only spent chakra since. Instead I'd rather make it about actions, rather than words - or rather make the words-getting-sleep-janky not matter for Hinata by redirecting them. [X] Aw shit, did you...
  17. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    It's all about the right motivations; for MIO, trying to do well for class ranking, or to make herself more survivable as a ninja post-graduation... things like that are too ephemeral and longterm and unrelated to her current interests - they don't motivate adequately. But something practical...
  18. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I am rather curious about whether there are beneficial effects to what MIO's doing to her Tenketsu. While sure, as far as I recall there was no canon Tenketsu 'training' stuff touted, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Well, hopefully when this all comes to some sort of head MIO'll end up...
  19. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] If he's doing it, it's possible. To vent a lot of your chakra out and then do stuff with it afterward, you mean. And you're going to try. -[X] So what if you don't get results right off the bat? You're not a jounin (yet). If it's hard, that proooobably just means you need to balance your...
  20. Bobs Beard

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I am of the mind that if you aren't purposefully misspelling the names of the inconsequential side character OCs when referencing them - particularly when playing a character like Mio - then you are doing something wrong.