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Search results for query: *

  1. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Mio invents the game of Baseball

    "Foooooolish oni. MIO is the one who will do the eating!" you declare, pulling all the strands of your chakra close into your body as you leap to the attack. Dummy responds to your attack reflexively, truly without thought. Rather than catching you, which would have served the purpose of...
  2. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Re: Shunshin and Hiraishin. Shunshin is a high-speed movement technique that includes some level of space distortion. It's a chakra hog, but it lets you go the places really fast as long as you can connect a straight line between points A and B with a chakra 'straw' to suck yourself through...
  3. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Precisely what valuable knowledge did you expect the arm of a corpse that's been chained up in a featureless plain with nothing as far as the eye can see in any direction to have, exactly? As a parasite that slowly eats away at whatever it's attached to in exchange for using the rest of its...
  4. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Things not mentioned in the post include that Mio is now a natural blonde, and has natural glitter. DNA and chakra signature is still the same, with no changes whatsoever, which will have experienced medical professionals ripping their hair out in frustration by the handfuls if they find that...
  5. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Unnatural Evolution

    It's a wriggling, squirming, thrashing and disgusting thing. But so, when it comes down to it, are the worms and maggots that you have been subsisting on. And though nothing here is particularly real, it's real enough that the hunger crawling in your gut for so long outside has a reflection...
  6. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Not exactly a Bijuu

    This is a lot easier than with Dummy, you realize as you slip into the arm's mind. Maybe the Oni is just naturally resistant to Genjutsu? Or you're just enough of a genius that after one failure and no other practice or instruction, you pulled off a success. The other option you can think of...
  7. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    In Mio's case it isn't, because reverse summoning yourself from a personal pocket dimension that can connect to the real world and the afterlife, among other places, at the whim of its wielder? Things get weird. Mio ain't getting home by walking. There isn't so much an overarching council on...
  8. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Deeply spinning eyes

    As problems go, mental contamination is no fucking joke. You live in a village with the Yamanaka clan. They do not like to talk about it, but... stuff happens. Compounded with Konoha's generally unobtrusive quiet-type genjutsu users, and... well. Strictly speaking, 'I thought I was someone or...
  9. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Possibly not the worst decision you'll ever make.

    You need an arm. Need it. Making it would take time that you don't have, fitted away in between fitful naps, licking blood up off the rocks, scrabbling in the dirt for worms, and running away from Dummy. You need to take an arm, or something already in the right shape. The trick is just in...
  10. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    No. Mio's goal in life is not to become an assortment of random body parts rolling through town. She's not going to just graft things on for shiggles, and you'll note that the premade options don't include feet or tentacles for obvious reasons. Mio's rationale in having a new arm is to get back...
  11. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    He basically did pretty much the inverse, in that he kept trying to inject himself into cool bloodlines at every opportunity. I mean, mashing it together... is basically how skeleton arm replacement would work anyway? Because you'd basically be sticking the bones into place and then pushing...
  12. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Not entirely unarmed

    The arm. That's what your thoughts keep circling around to. It's... ... Well, it's not nearly as crippling and potentially life-threatening both directly and indirectly as it might be for another academy student. Not for you. You've... it seems like you've managed to keep the coils that used...
  13. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Yeah. He was just going to leave it as a severed limb, but then you made it start strangling him, and he responded by killing it with fire. Slight tweak to the plan.
  14. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    As said in update, you have been here for a few weeks now, and can probably make your conclusions about how Mio's condition is from that. Technically speaking, what got left behind is a single heavily charred arm. So... there's not so much evidence of you being kidnapped as there is someone...
  15. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    You haven't passed the academy, but that's because you were deliberately going out of your way not to pass the academy, which was quickly obvious when you made Hinata punch everyone out. Rumors of that got around, and people were interested about how you pulled that one off. You might have...
  16. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    The entirety of Konoha, no. A few civilians walking in an evening, in an area well away from the current patrol positions that he herded you toward? Yeah, he can do that. And his genjutsu wasn't even perfect, as evidenced when one of the civilian kids noticed that something was funny.
  17. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Arc turn-over

    "Uh. Hey?" you say, uncertainly. "Listen, it's neat that you could grab me before I could tell you were there and all, but I'm not exactly impressed, and I'm going to start screaming 'rape' in a second now." "Oh noooo..." the masked man says, tone patently false. "I'll need to finish quickly...
  18. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Mio has just been a little too impressive for her own good, lately.
  19. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel
    Threadmarks: Dinner and a show?

    You grab him and pull him in, your own stomach grumbling loudly. "Come on, time to eat up!" you say, boisterously. "You need energy to train, right? Two all you can eat combination platters, and keep 'em coming! This guy is paying." Kabuto lets out a distressed noise somewhere deep in his...
  20. Chibi-Reaper

    Twisted Pinwheel

    *Wave's hand ambiguously* You were six then, yeah. And time has passed. Mom is dead, so you don't really have any reason to count the birthdays. And it's not like you have a big deadline hanging over your head, right? Mio is older now than then, and the elders are already frustrated that you...