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Search results for query: *

  1. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Probably not a good idea, seeing as she died by wasting away in depression and apathy iirc. Being resurrected would be more of a curse to her than a blessing.
  2. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Wonderful. Do you have a citation that actually says what you say it says? And that ISN'T a minimally-detailed website for basic information that can be freely edited by anyone with an internet connection? Because a wiki is NEVER a reputable source. EVER. I was all set to congratulate you on...
  3. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [Citation Needed] Even if it did wait to be unlocked until Sasuke found out the truth, and I don't recall there being any actual proof one way or the other on that, that doesn't mean what you say it does. Sasuke did kill Itachi after all, as I explained above. It would just mean that a...
  4. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That's highly debatable. Sure, Itachi technically died from his illness, but it only acted out enough at that moment to kill him because of the battle with Sasuke that had just put massive strain on his body (especially with his use of Susanoo, which is explicitly stated to put a lot of strain...
  5. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I frankly don't see us as likely to get the Mangekyo at this point without jumping straight to a transplant, and therefore straight to the Eternal version, or otherwise cheating our way into it in a way that makes the degradation a moot point. We just don't have anyone close/important enough to...
  6. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    As someone who has actually read the manga, I can tell you with absolute certainty that either someone messed up that wiki article in a fit of trolling, or they just didn't know what they were talking about when they wrote it. It talks about him needing to be up close to use kamui by then, for...
  7. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    EDIT: Vote removed
  8. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too. -[X] Being able to will things into existence means you even have enough barbecue sauce!
  9. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Yet another reason why the civilian council is an entirely fanon construct, yes. The closest we ever see in canon are the Hokage's advisers, who are both retired ninjas themselves and only advisers.
  10. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You follow the chakra in.
  11. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    It wasn't intended to be, but I'll gladly take the credit for it. :)
  12. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Actually, I voted for the chakra arm. And then argued for it extensively. The reason why I'm not fully convinced that we need to beat the arm into submission above all else just yet is because Mio actually seems to have the "keep it from taking over" part pretty well in hand for the moment.
  13. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Man, I'm torn between the two current leading options. Convince me, people! [/imperious look]
  14. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Okay, enough with the tallies already. We don't need one every half-page or so, and they are just cluttering up the thread. If people want to know what is winning, it's plenty easy enough to count the votes from the last tally at this point. Most of the time they've just been posted without...
  15. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I think it's probably a better idea for you two to join up with the 28+ others voting for just the chakra arm than it is for you to demand that all of them switch to your write in. Let's face it: that's not going to happen. Plenty of people vote and then just leave the thread until the next...
  16. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That goes so completely against the times where it's actually shown in canon that it isn't even funny. I'm going to ignore the fact that you said that after this post, because it's just plain wrong. He might have a technique that works like that as well, but if so it isn't the one that I'm...
  17. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    And Kabuto was basically a freak of nature with his inherent regeneration and integration ability. It's explicit in at least the manga that he was only able to do that because it was him, in particular doing it. However, I think it's reasonably safe to say that the option for the sealed evil...
  18. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Nope. The anbu mention it while Sarutobi is fighting Orochimaru in the Chuunin Exams Invasion arc.
  19. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    No, it won't cost us chakra to maintain. We would have to be expending chakra for that. This isn't expending chakra, it's literally increasing the density of the chakra inside/making up our chakra coils. You know, the place that chakra is when it's not being expended yet.
  20. JadeKaiser

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Look, I'm mostly just having fun here. I don't actually care about us getting a stand or anything like that, but it's fun to joke around about. Regardless, the way that you are acting right now is not okay. You're putting out an image of "better than you" and "You poor idiots who don't know as...