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Search results for query: *

  1. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Remembers Obito wall of floating eyes... Maybe depends if you have to do someting special to them to ensure they can be transplanted or if you can pluck them from embalming liquid and drop the eyes into your sockets. Wouldn't bet on still having the sprouting eyes/body parts perk that the...
  2. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
  3. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Its used once. The first time we see it during the bell test Kakashi uses it on a clone to free himself from the Narutos hold. And troll him ofc, but we can asume this is a thing that can only be done to cute little genins. Also Mio did it earlier in the quest in pursue of nonviolent...
  4. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Both he and Obito had it since Rin fell in the raikiri. But I don't think Kakashi knew he had it, he just experimented with his eye in the timeskip after seeig Itachi's and "unlocked" the mangekyou.
  5. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] "Hoh... You've finally begun to bask in the glory of I, Mio, have you? Surely there would be greater feasts we could conquer and consume together rather than tearing one another apart for mere morsels, glorious though some may be?" -[X] Attempt to entreat the Oni properly and work out...
  6. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Upon checking it out I did a derp, there is an arm letft its just crispy.
  7. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Even iff I was against the vote it is now worth it. Imagine how much money Mio will save on dye and glitter now! I think Tobi made that arm ashes. [X] time to leave -[X] there is more than one way out of a skull. Exit via the base of the skull, nose, or eye holes. --[X] try and use close...
  8. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] 'Submit'? No, you. Keep cutting bits off and smacking it around until that happens.
  9. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You follow the chakra in.
  10. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You need to beat the will behind your new arm into submission, somehow.
  11. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Isnt that exactly what Kabuto did?
  12. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Even if Im now voting for the enemy Id like to note that Kabuto demostrated healing jutsu in front of Mio eyes. Yes it was a misscast It'll give you cancer if do it this way but there are abundant guinea pigs in demon land. Note to self make sure to weaponize healing microwave hands.
  13. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [x] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work. Actually since I am a fickle thing now it has a chance to win. Mostly because...
  14. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Take. Plenty of arms about, attached to other things. - [X] The bound corpse, chained and marked with ancient and crumbling sealing wards, even now seems to be reaching out from its still and permanent repose. One arm outstretched... the only portion that has not yet rotten away, but even so...
  15. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [X] About all there is around here seems to be stone and dead trees. Can't be that hard to put a prosthetic together, right? Straight bit, bendy bit, fiddly gripping bits...
  16. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I knew there would be consecuences for showing off and not letting Hinata put Mio to sleep with a punch. But did they have to be so dire? Our clan bragging about us is the ultimate shame, not even the metal as fuck trip to hell compensates for it.
  17. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Representation of pyshic powers/fighting spirit that normally takes the form of a punchghost with bizarre abilities.
  18. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so... I wondered what Mio equivalent of spending a hundred years in a coffin on the bottom of the sea would be. Anyway arm first so we can survive the demons then food and/or...
  19. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Tobi was probably here to get his daily season of his favorite soap opera aka Kakashi mourning at his grave. And since he was already in Konoha hey two birbs with one fireball.
  20. Koled

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Tell Kabuto to eat up so he'll be energetic for training, and follow your own advice.