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Search results for query: *

  1. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] You landed on clouds. And are standing on clouds. Literal sky clouds. Why?
  2. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] time to leave -[X] there is more than one way out of a skull. Exit via the base of the skull, nose, or eye holes. --[X] try and use close range Shunshin if possible. ---[X] when the outside is visible Kawarimi ----[X] look around and see if there is anything you can use to help take dummy...
  3. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    And it's now tied! Come on! someone push us up over the top for Chakra arm!
  4. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That's *a* difference. It's probable that we'll find some other useful tricks out of being able to solidify our chakra. MIO is someone who fiddles with things. Fiddling with the demon arm will get us whatever is in the demon arm. Fiddling with the ability to make dense chakra is likely to...
  5. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Pretty sure that the changes to us and our abilities will be more than just "what every Jinchuuriki has". We've already had our strange relationship with chakra lead to nearly-free teleports and external, controllable chakra coils. I can pretty much guarantee that we'll get something cool out...
  6. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    What makes you think we couldn't wrap bandages around a chakra arm? I mean, we wouldn't, because we wouldn't *want* to hide our awesome chakra arm, but we *could*.
  7. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Another reason to like the chakra arm. From our perspective, we know that it's clean. MIO isn't going to get any more warped or crazy than she already is, just because she has an arm of solid chakra. From the perspective of everyone around us, though, this is the thing that Bijuu do. Somehow...
  8. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    First, we're now at the point where we're doing fake external coils, and we're apparently doing that without significant drain, given that we were doing it constantly before we came here. Second, chakra use trains chakra. It might suck in the short term, but in the long term, it's just...
  9. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    So.. let's look at upside/downside on chakra arm vs demon arm (somewhat biased, but trying). Chakra Arm: + Works more with this "doing unnatural and unclean things with chakra" thing we have going on. We're almost certain to find more exploits in that general direction. + An excellent defense...
  10. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [X] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work. Admittedly tempted by the "I am clearly a trap" option of trying to steal the...
  11. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Our level of sleep is currently described as "snatched fitful naps in the boughs of dead and dying trees". That's enough to not die for a while maybe, but it still leaves you way, way down in your ability to do things like rest (recover chakra), dream (not go crazier), and heal. Our level of...
  12. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Right now, the basic vote question is "You've managed to survive, you've managed to not get infected while your arm heals, you've managed to figure out enough that you probably wont' die on any given day, and you've managed to gather together enough reserves to make a go at solving one problem...
  13. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I never said that we could. I'm just saying that fixing the arm should not be our top priority right now. Now, there is an argument that claims that getting a new arm will be easy, and won't take very long, and that it will help us fight better, and therefore we should do that before we do...
  14. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Okay. So we can basically conclude that the arm won't get infected. We dodged that bullet... and our external coils mean that we can use jutsu, even if it's slow. The arm is not our top priority. Similarly, a diet of blood and maggots isn't pleasant, but we can survive on it for the moment...
  15. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Chibi-Reaper - there is a Very Important Question about the arm. Is the wound closed? If the wound is *not* closed, then yes, making sure that we don't get infected by some horrible demon-thing is critically important. If it *is* closed, then making sure that we don't collapse to sleep...
  16. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    First day of basic training (all-male training unit). Everyone showers together. Everyone comes out wearing towels. Everyone is lined up in a rectangle around the room and required to do jumping jacks. Yep. They don't put *all* that much effort into it, but it's certainly on the syllabus.
  17. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Put on clothes. Answer door. Kick old man. Fite me. You can take him, you bet. Maybe whoever he has with him, too. Petty theft is beneath us.
  18. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Oh, I was meaning more that she's just go out and learn a few, like, tonight. Can't be that hard, right? Yes, OOC I realize that this is a terrible plan... but it's a very MIO plan.
  19. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Really? We're Uchiha, and our personal weirdness is that it's extra-hard for us to turn the sharingan *off*. Scrounging up a few badass combat jutsu can't be *that* hard, can it?
  20. Sirrocco

    Twisted Pinwheel

    So you don't learn *too much*. Too easy! Just learn a bit - enough to piss off the elders, but not enough to get labeled a medic - and then don't admit that we know them to anyoen who might come to unfortunate conclusions. Alo, from an OOC perspective, IIRC, our best current plan for...