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Search results for query: *

  1. Twisted Pinwheel

    I once heard some guys (probably, they were anons anyway) speculating about non-leaf Uchiha. Like, some ninja couldn't keep it in his pants, and several monthes later, in the Village Hidden in the Middle of Nowhere, a child is born with black eyes, black hair, and the most passionate...
  2. Twisted Pinwheel

    I'll be voting for the latter.
  3. Twisted Pinwheel

    Even TLDR-er: There was a creature who thought it was a tentacle monster, so Mio thought about eating it inside it's own mind, and the creature thought it was gross.
  4. Twisted Pinwheel

    Didn't Chibi-Reaper mention somewhere that Tobi was there specifically for Mio?
  5. Twisted Pinwheel

    Also, from the looks of it, Mio might now be her own mood ring.
  6. Twisted Pinwheel

    Have a like. [X] Hit him as hard as you can. As he braces for the other strike (or reels from the first one), run. Depending on how much damage you deal, repeat this again.
  7. Twisted Pinwheel

    But I'm noticing you aren't arguing agains Mio being mental?
  8. Twisted Pinwheel

    So... I'm reading this as "Mio is a mental Tony Chu"?
  9. Twisted Pinwheel

    INB4 this option is a trap. INB4 the other option is also a trap.
  10. Twisted Pinwheel

    "But why? Isn't Tobi a good boy?" I'd say more like The One Ring, which always fits. Unless it doesn't want to. If it's a battle inside the mind, shouldn't it go better when the mind is set right? Which, I believe calls for a round of "I-told-you-so"s. If Mio didn't aggravate Dummy (like, for...
  11. Twisted Pinwheel

    The I-told-you-so's are best served after the... Uh, relevant parties get served.
  12. Twisted Pinwheel

    No less fun because of that. And I would have switched to the skeleton arm, but there's, what, five others who would? I'd rather go for something that has a chance of not getting the sealed arm. Unless Chibi confirms that it belonged to an "angel" or another goody-two-shoes...
  13. Twisted Pinwheel

    I don't remember reading about the highlighted parts? It could be because the relevant update was too long ago. So, if you could link to them, I'd be grateful.
  14. Twisted Pinwheel

    This is a Naruto story, so I won't be surprised if that problem gets solved via Mio's overwhelming shounen-ness and GUTS!
  15. Twisted Pinwheel

    But what if the sealed thing IS Mio's designated summon? I wanna high-five you so hard right now, brother. I believe you meant "Nothing but pure BADASS"? [X] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [X] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why...
  16. Twisted Pinwheel

    Precisely for those reasons I voted for sleep. Maybe that's because I like sleep, so there's a bit of a bias. Maybe because I'd prefer a Mio that's less "psycho" insane, and more "quirks upon quirks" insane. And usually, the badass in the movies is not named "Two-Armed Swordsman".
  17. Twisted Pinwheel

    Eh, I dunno. It's not like Mio is unable to eat because the food is in the jars that require both hands to open. She doesn't need both hands to peel potatoes, or dice cabbages - because, unless I miss my mark, there aren't any of those around. And, honestly, if I had to figure out how to graft a...
  18. Twisted Pinwheel

    I'm thinking that she wasn't exactly trying to find a place to sleep, as much as she was trying to not die. Now that she realized that yes, she has this "not dying" stuff under control, she can concentrate her efforts on one particular aspect of "not dying" that bothers her the most. And for...
  19. Twisted Pinwheel

    I have no idea, just speculating on what a bunch of paranoid folks would do.
  20. Twisted Pinwheel

    And the Uchihas with evidence withhold evidence from Uchihas without evidence (and the rest of the village), because they all suspect each other.