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Search results for query: *

  1. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You smash through a castle wall. Ceiling. Floors too. On the one hand, civilization? On the other, from the looks of this dungeon the owner is going to be either really unhappy or creepily pleased to see you.
  2. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Going days without sleep in order to MAYBE make a technique in a manner that we were told would kill most people was also dumb as hell... just saying.
  3. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Dude... trying to talk our way out is like a steak trying to talk it's way out of a tiger's belly. If you want to minionize him we're going to have to at LEAST kick his was first.
  4. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    This is exactly what we're dealing with here... ~_~ Hell we could even actually TRY to hypnotize him into being our servant again using what we learned from delving into the Arm's mind.
  5. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I'd like to point out... Alongside of having regained use of our arm, and gained a demon form with STONE CARVING NAILS... and generally boosted physique... We also were refreshed to the point of normal hunger and general capability restored. What I mean to say is... Don't be pansies.
  6. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    This is basically what we look like right now. We MAY or may-not have just unlocked Demon Sage Mode...
  7. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Draw in your chakra shroud around you... GO WILD! -[X] If it seems like you're losing the fight... then retreat with a Kawarimi. HAHAHA!!!! DEVIL TRIGGER BEAST MODE!!!!! It's pretty likely this is not a 'permanent' thing, and or that with practice we can mold our form. So don't freak...
  8. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Because we take the constituent parts and rework them into a form useful to us. Those memories and thoughts of its taken and re organized into a form that works with ours and toward our goals, as part of self. IE you don't destroy what might be useful about it, you add that to your own...
  9. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I just like the idea of eating it and having the arm become part of our flesh... and Mio mutating into an Alucard like being with EYES!!!!! Staring out from every inch of her flesh when ever she wants to play it up!
  10. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You've been eating a lot of nasty things lately. You're gonna eat this too. The bird of Hermes is my name, I've devoured my wings to make me Tame...
  11. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You follow the chakra in.
  12. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Mio will CLEANSE her Blood with Purifying FIRE!!! Let's see any diseases that get though that! HAH!
  13. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You need to practice using your arm for ninja-ing. Get the kinks out.
  14. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Vampire Hunter D Devil May Cry 4 Inuyasha (Though to be fair eventually Seshomaru gave that up cause none of the arms were good enough for HIM and he just grew a new of his own... complete with a new sword) Ect... RED RIGHT HAND is an old time honoured trope.
  15. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    At this point no matter which one wins... I get what I want. Chakra hand or Devil hand.... though one thing I noticed... the devil arm looks like it's made of stone... Maybe possible that this arm has something to do with Natural energy.
  16. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Our chakra is already assimulative in nature... though training rather than inherent traits. Its kinda awesome actually if you think about it. We basically figured out how to train chakra into networking outside of the body and using stray chakra in the environment as part of our own.
  17. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    To be fair to Orochimaru... Kabuto basically cribbed ALL the notes he could off of his mentor before starting his own hax based on his perfect chakra control and cell replication chakra.
  18. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    That he didn't have Sharingan eyes to hax himself a shortcut.
  19. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    We are going take our 'Fake coils' and then use them to thread our real coils into the arm. Much like how we kept control of our real arm despite it being chopped off. Then seal it all together at the seam with Medical chakra.
  20. Xicree

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I'm not really worried about chakra drain to be honest. Mio's external chakra trick gives her access to what's basically reserves far beyond anything normal, and I would bet my bottom dollar of her eventually learning to match and modulate her chakra to suit sources she's tapping into. Cause...