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Search results for query: *

  1. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Taylor takes another tack to defend her circle and their actions. -[X] Every person must make their own choice at what point your willing to kill to protect yourself or others. For me attacking others with deadly intent is a line that will make you dead. What is that point for you Vicky? If...
  2. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Sarah explains to Brian.
  3. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Aisha pounces and hugs Regent. [X][T]Path of the Zenith (Social attributes/Zenith Caste Ability, Social/Defense) [X][T2] Melee (For Emma this is warform training) While I was tempted to vote for Aishe to attack Regent, I'm sure I'd be accused of being a conflict drive with how much I vote...
  4. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] The merchants discover the “Surprise” Always have a plan B. And C through G, at least.
  5. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] The New Merchants decide that the Docks will be their bitches! Hehehehehehe!
  6. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Youth Guard attacks! (day before school) I am almost interested to see Renick trying to press gang the Circle. But I wanna see this more.
  7. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Alexandria agrees, but will still be cautious
  8. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Alexandria has a mental breakdown, what have all the sacrafices been for? Has it been all for nothing? Every line she has crossed, every part of her soul she sold, they were for nothing.
  9. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X]Sol Invictus Let's see how the big man himself is seeing this.
  10. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Covering the trip to the Plaza of Meetings. And away we go!
  11. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X]More pestering of Sarah for politics and history.
  12. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Pester Sarah about Yu-Shan
  13. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Go with Venus Because why not?
  14. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Look at Alexandria’s expression
  15. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Talk to the others before anything else
  16. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Expedient route. Accept what is needed, to build an army rapidly. (This is allowing experimentation in granting powers/etal to continue, but healing/killing the powers of those failed experiments.) [X] Alexandria if possible will go herself to Yu-Shan.
  17. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X]Taylor rips into them with her partial memories of the Future that will not be.
  18. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X]To NYC and testing
  19. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X] Taylor sees a striking young woman with black curly hair fresh from the shower, that needs brushing, framing a clean face without any hint of blemishes that is suited for the wide expressive lips, the aquiline nose, and dark eyes with hints of gold around the iris that seem to reach out to...
  20. thewhiteraven22

    Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

    [X]Have Emma and Sarah show what Exaltation really does for a girl… Lets open Taylor's eyes.