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  1. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Once more, ENDING shows what a gigachad he is. And Teacher learned a valuable lesson.
  2. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    I can see PtE sitting in the background, metaphysically rubbing his hands together. Dis gunna be gud.
  3. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    PtE is a troll and I love it. He's the embodiment of "Hold my Shard, and watch this."
  4. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Little robo-buddies? Nice!
  5. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Lily, Amy, Riley, and The Doc... this feels almost like a Super Friends roster, if anybody is even old enough to remember them.
  6. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Path to hooking my friends up? Hmm, not working. Path to getting Amy laid? Nope... oh right! Power only ends things. Duh. Path to ending Amy's Bachelorette status? Bingo.
  7. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    So Kaiser was kebabed by The Kaiser's sword, Skidmark became a Skidmark, Heartbreaker got heartbroken, and now that Bastard Son is sniffing around she's borrowed what I think is a Bastard Sword... I love her style.
  8. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    I really love Taylor's sassy nature and general lack of fucks given. Her love of irony is also something that I'm quite fond of. It really touches my heart.
  9. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    This was wonderful. Aisha was a real treat as always. I will wait patiently for Taylor to turn Dragon from Frenemy to Best Frenemy Forever! Maybe they'll get together and have a fun time? Really paint the town red. Blood Of My Enemies is a delightful shade, and the 9 seem like a good source.
  10. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Dealing with her bullies? Cake walk. PHO moderators? Easy peasy. Local villains? Not an issue. Dragonslayers? No sweat. Dad I murder the fuck outta things. A big relief. I guess she can end anything. Except my love for her sass.
  11. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    I just love the amount of sass that just oozes from every statement she makes. It's almost equal to the bullshit she pulls off. Still, I find myself thinking both her and Danny could use some hugs. Possibly bourbon too.
  12. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Another banger, Ack! I do so enjoy this story! She was always Imp. Powers just made her Imp-ier.
  13. Xyshuryn

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Well now... I guess for once Lung will have to... feel the burn.