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  1. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I am happy beyond words this has now caught up with the Ao3 thread! New content next chapter, Tanja becoming a Liaison for Rhodes! Hahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!
  2. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Oi! Sb and SV wouldn’t be assholes over a quality Tanyafic! admittedly you will get one Hell of a lot more traffic than this area if you posted there, but thats mostly because of how big both sites have grown.
  3. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    it's implied by the fade to blank. Literary story telling at its best in my opinion. No telling, just showing and letting readers come to their own conclusions!
  4. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Nah. Tanya is a hyper lethal combatant when pushed to the edge, and has an entire lifetime of experience as The premier warmage for the Empire in her soul. Seeing that one bitch basically guarantee her slow, painful death to Oripathy caused Tanya to snap and let her inner Devil out to rage for...
  5. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Tanya did kill the bitch who infected her with Oripathy. She just blacked out during the process due to Sheer Rage.
  6. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I must admit, i read ahead on what was availableon Ao3. This story is and continues to be friggin amazing, and i am eager as heck to witness what happens next! Love the direction this is heading.
  7. Darik29

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I must admit, i know very little about Arkknight. But the way you write makes for a good Tanya, and the story itself drew me in even without knowledge of the main setting. Very nice! Eager to see which way you plan to take this boss!