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Search results for query: *

  1. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Mmn, I don't think it could be that simply replaced. At some point justifications just stop making sense. And yeah, while I love the way Arknights presents its stories to us out of chronological order, it does make writing fanfic for it a pain. Half the time you don't even know if operators...
  2. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    They haven't cited anything, but the opening of 11-2 says, This is the conflict that culminates in one of the dukes inviting Kazdel in. That's what I'm going with, so if you have evidence to the contrary, please link. To be frank though, if my timelines do turn out to be wrong, I am in all...
  3. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    I don't think the Catastrophe actually killed all that many people, Reunion or otherwise. Mostly it was just a means of infecting all the cocky Chernobogians with Oripathy, and was definitely part of Reunion's plan. The game mentions some of the survivors in a different side story iirc.
  4. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Yeah, they just peaced out. It does mean a less bloodied Reunion is on the way to Lungmen though.
  5. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Since this is a story focused on one person, it's hard to get the coverage that you might want. There's a huge cast, after all. That said, I wouldn't be writing this if I wasn't going to include my personal favourite operators lol. Also yes, I am happy. When I first quit Fire Emblem Heroes I...
  6. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    First of all, supposing you're actually correct and this is some universal rule in all military cultures across all of time, Tanya has no way of knowing that. She was a Japanese salaryman. They don't tend to have a lot of contact with the military. It's perfectly reasonable to expect your...
  7. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Yeah, no. You don't expect a good sergeant to be writing essays on logistics nor do you bring them in to hear their thoughts on grand strategy lol. She shows off this kind of knowledge in all sorts of places, from Vol 3 all the way through to Vol 16. You're being disingenuous. They keep her on...
  8. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Not to take away from your point that it's mostly not even Tanja's fault this time, I'd argue that Tanya never really comes to crazy conclusions. She applies paradigms that she's learnt without nuance or flexibility, and the result is that the otherwise logical modelling is completely off. The...
  9. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    That's the character, yes, but her name isn't actually Lotte. Her full (real world) nickname as christened by the manga team is Ponytailotte. I just decided to have my Tanya internally nickname her Ponytail.
  10. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Aha, mission accomplished. lmao Nah, this is just a character from the manga, lol. She's part of the batch of recruits that joins in Volume 11. Don't think the manga has actually revealed her name yet, but compared to the other recruits, she hasn't been forgotten by the mangaka. (Volen Grantz...
  11. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    The most important part of them is in English and Hindu–Arabic glyphs. The rest is just for fun. Err, no. That's literally what happens in Chapters 3 and 4. Average Rhodes Islander btw: I don't think that's much fancier than the suit.
  12. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6: 有錢都冇命享

    Note: So, next chapter's only half done, but I figure I may as well put a pin in publishing anything else for this story for the moment. The anime airs a week from now, while the official Episode 10 translations are dropping, like, tomorrow. The anime covers the Chernobog incident in greater...
  13. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    She is definitely not typing on keyboards wearing those gloves, let me tell you that. Also that's Keqing. She's not even from Arknights! Neither is her clothing! :mad:
  14. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Bro, she's an office worker. This is what office workers in Arknights look like: You don't get gloves or capes or whatever unless you're an office worker who is also a priest, or a fallen aristocrat or something. Or you're outside and it's really cold.
  15. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    It's based off his indoor outfit, so no gloves and no coat. Have you ever tried wearing a skirt? They're very breezy.
  16. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])
    Extras: Tanja by C4T

    The eye-colour is a little purplish, but that's my fault due to the references I provided lol.
  17. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    My American friends kept trying to change ‘pot plants’ to ‘potted plants’. I doubled down and added more instances of ‘pot plants’. Thank you! That was my favourite part. Yeah, it's a struggle for me too lol. Also, her personality seems to partially depend on the specific adaptation...
  18. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])
    Extras: Tanja by NAI Diffusion

    Self-Perception: "Reasonable Boss, Capable Employee, and Pacifistic Champion of Free Market Principles" Actual Perception: "That Deranged Bitch From Upper Management"
  19. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5: 唔衰攞嚟衰

    "S-so I said… hic… Sonzai Ekkusumé! If I had a rifle, I-I'd shoot you right between the eyes." My life was over. My life was over. My life was over. My life was over. 'Miss Müller?' said the young healer. 'I'm afraid I have some bad news.' "W-whoaaa~" slurred the Feline draped around my...
  20. NTR Commissar

    Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Thanks lmao! Are you familiar with Arknights?