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Search results for query: *

  1. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Question - did you thought about place in timeline for Acquisition and Cultivation Procedures for Non-Infected Personnel aka Holy Knight Light? Because I really want to see Tanya's reaction to "my life sucks now so I stopped give a fuck about things like what I supposed to do... or at all"...
  2. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Thing is - it's not only about skill, it's about attitude. And "GUNG HO GET 'EM ALL" that she shows is exactly soldier attitude, not officer one. Unless officer is very green... but she came through combat and doubled down on attitude. They pegged her as "frontline commander" type and she did...
  3. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Yeah, no. She applies "good office worker = promoted to more important office worker" to "good soldier = promoted to ... oh, wait "more important soldier" is on entirely different promotion track to "rearline officer"". That's like expecting to be a good plumber and get office job in result, no...
  4. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    There is also Ancient Iluminati are pretty much Ancient Illuminati. Thing is - she misses it not because of willful ignorance of things that should be obvious. But because shit is really sneaky, yo! This time it's not Tanya that do crazy conclusions that are not in line with reality, but Tanya...
  5. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    It's not like it's easy to grasp concept of ancient conspiracy which is lead by people who are literally too old to care about illuminaty shit but are still competent and ancient cospiracy... and so being charity is pretty much intended profit. Especially if you not only don't know about that...
  6. Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

    Even discounting big BIG problem that is saltpeter required for mass gunpowder use (which is probably what solidly killed idea on Terra with presence of alternatives)... There were air-powered sharpshooter guns in our XIX century. For Terra where mass-producing Originium air chargers is cheaper...