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Search results for query: *

  1. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Afterward: Go forth 吉卜林的兵/Киплинга солдат, to be forsaken and left to die in that accursed world!

    No I'm not going to write a direct sequel. There's no point in treading an already trodden path. ------------- Afterward: Go forth 吉卜林的兵/Киплинга солдат, to be forsaken and left to die in that accursed world! And once again I’m summoned, desires cast aside. I don’t have a devil, a god, nor a...
  2. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8: And that world still refuses to submit to science

    Chapter 8: And that world still refuses to submit to science “Regardless of… certain events of the recent past, allow me to offer you my most sincere congratulations on behalf of my government.” Koi uttered the words completely devoid of any emotions. He has none left. Not after that day, or...
  3. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7: Ballad of the salted sergeant

    Chapter 7: Ballad of the salted sergeant As the sky sublimed into the ground, while the storm of rounds raged on. On that 7th day of that month, in that forsaken and accursed land. For the handful of marines of the platoon, their orders are as simple as hard: to defend and hold their...
  4. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6: You son of a maou!

    Chapter 6: You son of a maou! Twenty years. Twenty fruitless years we wasted on this war… What are we fighting? Desert tribesmen? Ghosts? The dialogue of a forgettable flop of a movie concerning an even more forgettable conflict reverberates throughout the halls of power in two worlds...
  5. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5.3: The corruption of the homefront

    Yes yes I'm aware that a lot of this is insanely inaccurate but what's a few more fantasy elements in a story chockful of them already? ----------------- Chapter 5.3: The corruption of the homefront “Unbelievable.” Agent Austin Waller muttered in actual mild disbelief as he and the rest of...
  6. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5.2: In the face of the hard choices that other hard men made while hard

    If you couldn't tell there has been a timeskip. ---------------- Chapter 5.2: In the face of the hard choices that other hard men made while hard Richards Daniel checked the power pack of his EMG-12 coilgun with a bitter chuckle as he got in the pickup truck along with the rest of the squad...
  7. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    Keep in mind that the time period by now is probably around the late 2020s, but the specter of photos of Taliban fighters decked out in better kit than US marines back in 2021 still haunts the government, and they're determined not to have that PR fiasco again. Also the known corruption of the...
  8. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5.1: Skill issues

    Chapter 5.1: Skill issues ‘Senseless’. The word hung in the air like the aftertaste of vomit as Lieutenant Boynton gazed dejectedly at beaten masses of humanity before him on the packed dirt of training grounds. What’s supposedly the birth of a modern-ish security force worthy of a modern...
  9. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4.2: He’s an expert, he even shitpost about this!

    Chapter 4.2: He’s an expert, he even shitpost about this! “And who, the fuck, is this?” Lt-col Muller asked with little patience as he stood up from his desk and pointed a finger at the nondescript figure in frumpy civilian clothes in front of him. The role of military governor of an entire...
  10. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    Look up "generic isekai town", the cover art is a parody of that (along with whatever the artist felt like throwing in, becuase I didn't specify too much).
  11. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    More like Tzarist Russia and imperial China, but I guess the IoM is the most familiar comparison for most people so sure why not? Think more like the average otome game isekai (especially the korean ones) setting of pettiness, bullying, and scheming and realize that those are how the...
  12. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    Well, since this isn't in the nsfw section, so nothing that benign... The question of the demonic infestation in the heart of the human kingdom is just a symptom of the dysfunctional nature of the human kingdom, specifically in its inability to decisively win conflicts of any kind. Even...
  13. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    Well, it's Bretonnia from Warhammer fantasy that has a 90% tax rate, but somewhat yes (though without any supernatural aspects that would defeat the US military in a head on fight, this ain't that kind of story). However, many generic stories in isekai also tend to have a lot of the same...
  14. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4.1: democracy-less behavior

    If something's unexplained or not explained enough just ask in the comments, I'm too lazy to try guessing what subtext people aren't picking up. That being said, yes, the title is a joke on 'fatherless behavior' which the reference will absolutely age badly in a few years...
  15. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3.3: With folks like these…

    Chapter 3.3: With folks like these… The morning started like any other morning: bright, sunny, cheerful, as if mocking the suffering of the lands below. Such are the minds of mortals that they project their own insecurities and guilt onto forces far beyond their control, the weather being one...
  16. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3.2: Numbers not adding up

    Honestly this is more of an attempt to fill a plot hole that no one has noticed yet (or at least, not voiced yet), so honestly there's not much in the way of plot development. -------------- Chapter 3.2: Numbers not adding up “Sir, I believe you need to see this.” Koi said with an attempted...
  17. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3.1: all hail, the conquers of a whole lot of nothing

    Enough about the US taking the Ws, now it's time to take all the Ls... -------------------- Chapter 3.1: all hail, the conquers of a whole lot of nothing “Bruh, is this shit for real?” Lcpl Grey asked out loud to no one in particular as he and many other marines of the MLG cleared the charred...
  18. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    Ah hell nah, US ain't getting no freebies. Guess I was being a bit too subtle: -there's some time passed between the death of a demonlord and a respawn, kinda vague because I haven't really gotten to that other plot point yet. -does it not strike anyone that it's quite a bit suspicious that...
  19. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2.4: Site of the WMDs- Oh wait, layer of the demon lord

    Chapter 2.4: Site of the WMDs- Oh wait, layer of the demon lord “Bruh, I think we’re lost.” Lcpl Lee remarked idly as the platoon moved through the seemingly endless swamps, the column left formation had collapsed into a ragged ass ranger file as discipline had long since been battered down by...
  20. John_Oakman

    Operation Isekai Liberation (OIL)

    It's actually an order of magnitude worse, made only possible by magic (because in an actual medieval world tech limitations would put a check on certain monstrosities of humanity, checks that are being bypassed here). How much of that will be elaborated upon at some point, probably...