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Search results for query: *

  1. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Ertegas

    Supreme General Degurechaff, recently knighted, has been informed that an important resource planet is under siege by the separatists. Ertegas, breadbasket planet of the GAR's Southern effort, under control of the Jedi's Agricorps. An Agricorp sent to ground, hiding from the invasion. General...
  2. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    The artist would enjoy doing that, I have no doubt. https://twitter.com/a_yoshikage That is the handle for them on Twitter. No, I don't care what they say, the HTML says the website is Twitter.com. Anyways, feel free to commission them. They are actually VERY reasonable in price. Which...
  3. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Extras: Cover Images

    Finally got around to actually doing the book covers I had planned. They aren't amazing, but I'm not really a visual media artist. I am a written word artist. [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Anyways, the next chapter is coming along nicely. I hope to get it out...
  4. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    To answer a few expected questions. Normally I would not do this as I believe in death of the author and the work should stand on its own, but I figured I should actually say a few things here because these things may not come up in the story itself.
  5. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Trial of Spirit

    The opening battles of the war were a rousing success by nearly any metric. Geonosis was captured, their factories were being retrofitted to produce war materials for the GAR, and the casualties were… acceptable. A few squads were lost, but every organization level above the squad level was left...
  6. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    Second life Tanya. I believe I can pinpoint the exact chapter I have planned for the next crystal usage. Support me on Patreon and I'll even tell you. Seriously, honesty on my plans is about the only perk I can offer.
  7. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Trials of Flesh and Courage

    My nerves were stretched tighter than the strings of a guitar as I stood in silence among trained soldiers heading into an active combat zone. It won’t be my first taste of combat, but fighting a bunch of animals was going to be very different from combat with intelligent and entrenched enemy...
  8. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    Yes. Same story. You got a few days to go back over the story and reread it to get caught back up. Next Chapter is Battle of Genosis.
  9. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    New chapter this Saturday to celebrate my birthday. Chapter available now on my Patreon.
  10. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Yoda got a gun

    6-W-2-601-4-14Inf-C2-3A-Delta stood awaiting the arrival of their new general on Space Platform 9. Delta Squad was a very standard clone squad, comprising eight privates, a corporal who stood as the second in command, and a sergeant commanding the infantry squad. Every member was trained to...
  11. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    Just realized where an NSFW Omake may come from. Tanya is going to have to check on the Casino. As a high value military target, she will have to go with a military escort. Clone Troopers + Jedi supported Blackjack and Hookers. Yeah, something is going to happen.
  12. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Extras: Tanya Teaches a Lesson

    The Jedi Order believed one could not truly know something until the student could teach the lesson to another. This was the core principle behind why a Knight could only become a Master after they have trained a Padawan to Knighthood. This principle was applied to padawans teaching younglings...
  13. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    And that is everything currently published. At least for the main story.
  14. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: And so it begins

    Even unconscious with medical probes in place, Padme was still a shining angel, beautiful and pure in a way Anakin had not seen in another. That someone would dare to hurt someone so bright left Anakin feeling emotions he knew were not the Jedi way. Anger. Hatred. He wanted to find the ones...
  15. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi

    Nothing currently. Mostly just adding in extra archiving of the story. Also, using this reposting to do a quick grammar check now that I have a computer.
  16. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Vossing Along

    Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was anxious. He was a man of action, a Jedi who likes to always be on the move doing whatever he could to help the Galaxy at large. It was only when the stakes were high, his life was on the line, and a goal was in front of him that he truly felt calm. The Temple on...
  17. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Landing Pad

    Arriving at the landing platform, Anakin and Kenobi were greeted to the sight of a classic Nabooian shuttle. Long sleek design with smooth curves and sharp lines in a shining chrome that reflected the surroundings. The ramp was already down and the pair got their first look at the delegation-...
  18. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Trial of Insight

    The opening of the resort and casino is going to be a big deal. The first publicly accessible Jedi funded business opened in decades. It was important that myself and Master Labooda as the Jedi representatives presented ourselves appropriately. To that end, we got new robes for the event. They...
  19. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Construction

    Messy. Oh so messy. Deliciously messy. The chaos. The fire. The death. Bounty hunters make for such fun assassins. Loud, in the open, and as obvious as possible to spread their name and reputation around. A pity I need Amidala alive for now if I am going to manipulate my future apprentice...
  20. Half_Baked_cat

    Tanya the Jedi
    Threadmarks: Trial of Skill

    Knight Labooda stood to the side of the largest training room in the Temple along with half of the High Council and Knight Kenobi. Among the spectators were Grand Master Yoda, Master of the Order Mace Windu, and Sar Labooda’s sister Depa Billaba. Masters Plo Koon and Kit Fisto were closer to...