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Search results for query: *

  1. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Whilst Jaenera Targaryen enters the big leagues officially by Emperor Palpatine himself after she also offer him Genesis project from the Federation post conquest. As always their be naysayers( COMPNOR) in the group of the about her new Viceroy position and New Imperial Grand Admiral of the new...
  2. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Thanks for the chapter Continue on Cheers!
  3. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Thus End of an Era of the Federation for now? As Star Fleet goes not with a bang but a pitiful whimper for the newest Conquistador Jaenra Targaryen as the most dangerous Admiral planning for Post star fleet universe. Especially for Jaenera assimilation planning for the Federation planetary...
  4. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I think it's just matter of holding out on the last bit dignity or stubborn stupid headed pride after getting cutbstomped by the Valyrrian Star Wars universe military fraction. As Star Fleet learns the hardest lesson of all " Pride forth before the Fall" ,but only Picard could save them ...