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  1. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I dont think this changes the rebellion issue of too many rebels, across countless planets, and not enough garrison troops to account for them all. The interdictors is gonna pull hell on the Rebellions success, assuming they still succeed in my belief, but its gonna be a VERY bitter one...
  2. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Careful not to stare into Hyperspace TOO much now, dont want to go batshit crazy moments before you set your cards out.
  3. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Even before DS9 there was alot of things going on in books that showcased that Utopia was not so Utopia, although going down that rabbit hole is a maze of things, especially stuff that might be retconned, then made canon again or seemingly just largely forgotten due to either unpopularity or...
  4. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Id disagree, the Empire actually DOES try and be better, at least when one looks at things from a societal lens and not a ideological one. For example despite how bad the Empire is towards aliens, there actually a improvement compared to the Republic, or Sith Empire of old. The Empire despite...
  5. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Depends on where in the Empire, in question, at least more most of it prior to near its end it was remarkably even handed across most of its territory, but the Empire has zero sense of escalation and tends to go from peacetime autonomy to full totalitarianism at the slightest issue pretty fast...
  6. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    The Vulcans surrendering without a fight, to Humanity the Vulcans are the end all be all of the virtues they aspire to, to see them surrender is honestly a worse blow then even the destruction done to earth or any other damage done thus far. If Humanity is the beating heart of the federation...
  7. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Now THAT is alot of damage
  8. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Yes and no, DS9 for example goes over how the federation has a currency largely for use with outsiders, its one of the several things shit gets contradicted on. ESPECIALLY in books and other non tv show material.
  9. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    The funny thing with the Federation is they do in fact have a currency, but its all but worthless as there is very little to spend it on, and many of the more 'fun' things you could technically buy all come with restrictions. A federation civilian can own a starship for example, and its one of...
  10. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I love Arkanians, they created a whole bunch of sentient species, been involved with all sorts of Republic, Sith, and Empire projects, and they pretty much take one of my personal matras to heart "There is no such thing as war crimes, only bonus points" The are the literal SPECIES of mad...
  11. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I am curious though how long till the federation starts drafting non Starfleet ships into combat, an awful lot of "civilian" vessels in Star Trek are at least lightly armed with phasers and there is ALOT of ships running around in the federation and a supriseing amount of them dont use much of...
  12. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    There alot like the Hutt Cartel in that regard only with even larger heights, and even larger falls.
  13. The Overlord

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Oh its THIS story, nice, hope it can be finished this time I was kinda sad when it just stopped at chapter 11