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Search results for query: *

  1. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    You wanna know why? Because it's out of fucking principle. Refer to: This fic is provably and demonstratively wrong on multiple facts about both the settings used here, and not in terms of technical details such as 'turbolasers vs phasers' or whatnot, but on characterization and...
  2. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Damn it, I thought this sorry excuse of a fic finally died. Oh, that's a load of bullshit. You're comparing the UFP and Starfleet to fucking Hydra now!? Hydra is run by fucking Nazis! If anyone is the Hydra analogue here, it's the goddamn Empire. Also, continuing with the asinine asspull...
  3. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    At this point, from the evidence so far, the 'crypto-' part can be justifiably dropped. This fic is actively simping for fascism.
  4. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Oh, this is a load of bull: The Coruscanti Humans are better because they 'don't deny their darker natures'? Piss off with that crap. Sure, they don't deny it - but they also don't even try to be better. Just look at the entirety of the history of the Core Worlds: it's been nothing but one long...
  5. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Holodeck addicts are in no way plausible candidates for sudden ultranationalist demonstrators. Nerds of this caliber aren't the type to go outside and touch grass, let alone go running around torching effigies of national heroes and dressing up in full medieval knight cosplay in unironic...
  6. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Okay, now this this fic has nosedived beyond parody at this point. There's no way there'd be such a sudden and massive revival of centuries-gone ultra-nationalism, especially for archaic and anachronistic monarchial empires - and ones whose histories have been nothing but disastrous and ruinous...
  7. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Not to mention that one time that Barclay had to suck up his phobia about transporters and use one: not only was he conscious throughout the whole process, he actually managed to see something during it and later grabbed it, ending up rescuing one of the missing crew members of the derelict ship...
  8. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Don't use 'This is fanfiction, man!' as an excuse: that does not absolve it of valid criticism. Especially when it reads of thinly-veiled fascist apologism. Jaenera Targaryen has repeatedly handed the Federation the Idiot Ball while having the Empire roll Nat 20s every time, with virtually...
  9. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    You just really love to piss all over the idealistic and optimistic intent of Star Trek, don't you? Piss all over it, while fellating the fascist image of 'strength' that the Empire projects. To further add insult to injury, you continue this absurd exaggeration of Section 31's actual reach...
  10. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Maybe I should clarify: Bashir's offense was that he was lying about his identity of being genetically-augmented; if it were the Empire instead of the Federation prosecuting his case, the Empire would take a very dim view towards anybody lying to the state, and so would have him either...
  11. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Don't extrapolate Section 31 into a huge shadow government pulling the strings when they are a criminal conspiracy of extremist officers. And don't take their claims of being behind the Federation's successes at face-value, since they're the only source for that claim. And definitely don't take...
  12. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    …Whelp, this is utter character assassination of Starfleet and the Federation. And lots of white paint for the Empire. Seriously, what right does the Empire have in ridiculing the Federation for being totalitarian (which it is only for the purposes of this fic), when the Empire itself is a...
  13. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Eh, your fic. I was just outlining that Nechayev being part of Section 31 has never been stated in any official sources.
  14. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Legends was the original SW canon before the Disney reset, and at the time that Trek book you described was probably written, Legends was still just 'SW Canon'. And functionally speaking, Star Wars' canon and continuity policy has always been a rather... flexible one, and most fans generally...
  15. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Novels aren't canon in Star Trek, I'm afraid to inform you.
  16. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Where does that come from? Nechayev may have always been a stone-cold hard-ass, but she was never stated to be part of Section 31.
  17. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Not yet. That's the key operative word, here. And yes, there are planets that certainly need blowing up, but does anyone expect Palpatine to care? No, he does not: he's already got a list of planets to blow up, and those two examples aren't on it.
  18. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    A benevolent dictatorship only lasts as long as its dictator - once the dictator dies, it often quickly stops being benevolent. And a malfunctioning democracy isn't great either, precisely because it can easily slide right into dictatorship or even worse, fascism. Yes, and? It still doesn't...
  19. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    One: that's not an excuse or justification for their crimes. Two: the Federation freely admits that it isn't perfect, but sincerely tries to be better anyways out of general principle. For all that we love to mock the Feds for their poorly-explained vaguely-communist economics, and Starfleet's...
  20. WhiteDragon25

    I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Wow... there is a lot of Empire apologism here... I may be an Empire fanboy myself, but even I don't have any illusions that the Empire isn't anything but a pack of cold-hearted fascist bastards. The Empire goes around committing genocide and war crimes as if it were a regular Tuesday outing...