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Search results for query: *

  1. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Extras: Senti/UCC Breakdown of latest snippets

    Let's go like this. Ramune anyone - Set after Harry and Natsumi do their horror movie set up (School project - Horror Film) To be a magical girl - set immediately afterwards To serve and protect - After Jin shows up on the scene (I don't remember the exact snippet) but probably before Kaya...
  2. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Index: Basic In-Universe Timeline

    Harry Leferts Basic In-Universe Timeline Written Out-of-Universe on December 13 2017 *-*-* As was asked for, here's a basic timeline: 1,000,000+: Ancestors of Homo floresiensis use rafts to reach the island of Flores, among the first sea traveling humans. 130,000: First evidence of...
  3. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Extras: Timeline Placements as Written (non-chronological)

    SFW Portion Subject to change if UCC has more pieces +-+-+-+ Prelude to Hogwarts *-*-* Year 1 - The Power of Magicite *-*-* Year 1 - The Power of Magicite 1 Year 1 - The Power of Magicite 2 Christmas Year 1 - The Power of Magicite 3 +-+-+ First Summer Holidays +-+-+ *-*-*...
  4. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

    Worked out the Placments yet Senti?
  5. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Teen Ryouma and Oryou

    Harry Leferts So... was bitten by a bug, so have a bit more antics regarding Ryouma and his wife... NSFW version on HPSG NSFW Thread _____________________________________________________________________________________ Now older, though still in his teens, Ryouma blinked away some sleep as...
  6. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: LINK TO NEXT THREAD [NSFW] Link safe

    Links to Disclaimer on NSFW Thread
  7. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Index: Breakdown by Portion/Year

    Prelude https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/harry-potter-the-shipgirls.20019/#post-6125818 Year 1 A https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/harry-potter-the-shipgirls.20019/page-8#post-6204842 B...
  8. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

    Tell me if i've missed any threadmarks, please i'm fairly sure i haven't but you never know
  9. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Etsumi's story

    Harry Leferts Just a few hours later found Etsumi inside the dining room of Shiromizu’s residence. Looking around, while it was a very fine dining room, it was not to the level of splendour that some Mizuchi had. In fact, it was rather... simple and understated. Yet, it was also warm and...
  10. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Shiromizu does Yodogawa a major favour

    Harry Leferts Shiromizu had her eyes closed as she stood close to the hole that had been drilled into the earth as she sensed the heated water deep below her. After a few seconds, the Mizuchi gave a small nod with a smile as she looked at those around her, "It's ready... just one last bit...
  11. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: A Binding Of Steel [2019]

    Yellowhammer N. -- Well and here's the last of the backlog that I have for Ehren. A Binding Of Steel Hogwarts Alchemy Lab June 21st, 2019 (Summer Solstice) Spoiler: An Enduring Legacy USS Johnston entered the room where three other women and one young man were waiting. Ehren du Chasteler...
  12. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: A Matter Of ButterDagger Subtlety[2019]

    Yellowhammer N. -- Well since Ehren's outed as joining the Draco Fleet, I can post this one safely. Links are important BTW. A Matter Of ButterDagger Subtlety Yokohama, Japan, June 3rd, 2019 "That was a really fun gig to play, Ehren." Johnston grinned as she walked down the street of the...
  13. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Hidden in Plain Sight 2

    Digital Historian Hidden in Plain Sight II Despite the dark mood that had gotten her assigned the task to check out the place, Van Galen had to admit she’d enjoyed her time shopping. She had picked up couple of bags of sweets for Crijnsen, a stealth-charmed bracelet for O19, a Lady Chastity...
  14. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Anti-Abyssal Testship

    Harry Leferts Bemused as he watched Natsumi chomp into a peanut butter pancake happily, Harry's lips twitched as a chuckle escaped him, "I don't think that I need to ask if you like them." Softly scoffing, the Kitsune took another bite of the rolled up pancake smeared with peanut butter before...
  15. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Butterknives, For One, Welcome Their New Feline Overlords!

    Yellowhammer A.N. -- Colombe suddenly realizes that Hizir is a manipulative bastard and a half since she didn't want pets for her kids, buuut.... So Prepare Thine Pancreases (and click the links)! Butterknives, For One, Welcome Their New Feline Overlords! 19 August 2014 Castle Moulbaix...
  16. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Weasley's Warship Workshop 19 Jean Bart's Past 1

    RCNAnon Weasley’s Warship Workshop 19 The four 381mm shells all missed, passing by the enemy Re-class by mere feet to skip out into the Atlantic. This allowed it to finish bringing its guns to bear, the heavy 406mm guns taking aim at her from close range. With almost no room to maneuver the...
  17. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Haruka and Siusan - to contact the dead

    Mushapi Uggh. This past week has been hard and this snippet harder. Not totally pleased with it but it is done. Let me know your thoughts. Just remember everything is Hoshi's fault she demanded the credit. *-*-* It all started when over tea Haruka thought. Siusan sat at the dining table with...
  18. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Hidden in Plain Sight 1

    Digital Historian Hidden in Plain Sight Hr. Ms. Van Galen was in a stormy mood as her military driver navigated the car through the outskirts of Breda. High command had denied, denied!, her request to be put in charge of the defences on the eastern border. Her, who knew like no other what a...
  19. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: Noblesse Oblige

    Yellowhammer A.N. -- Well, I was planning to show 'Colombe meets the kittens and Wolfie Claire', but she grabbed me and took me a different direction. As a side note, every time Colombe is in Brussels for a planned* trip, she visits Église Notre-Dame de Laeken. (*The only times she skipped this...
  20. Harry Potter & the Shipgirls
    Threadmarks: FoL Dressmaker

    Savato93 And I’m back! FINALLY! I have to say, none of the snippets I’ve written up to this point have given me as much trouble as this one did. Hoping I can finally make progress, now that this is done. XXXXXXXXXX “I wanted to thank you again, Princess, for agreeing to do this bit of...