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Search results for query: *

  1. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Nice. I'm gonna pretend you did anyways. As a belated birthday present. Or an early Christmas present. Or something. Point is, you like me! You really, really like me! :D
  2. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    *puerile giggle* I'm sure Victoria and Amy will be more than happy to help her with that! (You had to have done that on purpose.)
  3. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    *puerile giggle*
  4. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    She really needs to do some hands on study, you know? Really get in there and check things out. Find some new ways to look at the subject at hand! *puerile giggle* "I swear, I was just talking to her and I just shifted all by myself! We weren't doing anything, honestly!"
  5. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Because people have no guts! Wimps! If having a thing for hot, badass women in teeny-tiny miniskirts is a fetish, then it's a fetish I wholeheartedly admit and embrace! Hey! I don't judge for things like THAT! I am ALWAYS willing to admit the possibility of "Fuck it, we're just gonna share."...
  6. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    "Dibs on being the little spoon!"?
  7. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Well, yeah. But she was facing away from Amy... which means her skinny butt (which Vicky has to have checked out at least ONCE to know that) was facing her. Unless Taylor's got some pretty LONG hair, Amy is probably a little more certain than "as far as she can tell" that her sister is currently...
  8. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Good lord, how long IS Taylor's hair? Is she pulling a Lady Godiva here? Whulp, that's my new story canon. Taylor's going to deliberately grow her hair STUPID long, as a backup means of disguise/covering for when she changes back to human unexpectedly. shutupIdon'thaveafetish You notice how...
  9. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    What can I say? Some people like a challenge! Oh, soap and water won't remove THAT stain. Try a belt sander. There's no part of that post I don't like.
  10. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    No, he'd be browsing Dragon pics. *eyebrow waggle* *puerile giggle* This comment wins my approval. I'm told that this should fill you with shame. She is the EXACT size of one Taylor Hebert, in fact! I feel we should measure everything via this method. Armsmaster, for example, is probably...
  11. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Dammit, man, you can't call Vicky a "thing"! ...without asking to see if she's into it first. *puerile giggle* In his defense... so did everyone else's. Like FedEx, I ship it.
  12. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    And she's not being ridden. ...as long as this is in the SFW section, at least.
  13. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Personally, I assume he's going to find out it's a female dragon and rob every florist in town down to bare walls.
  14. Datcord

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    This is setting with a man who turns into lasers/can shoot lasers around corners, an ever-growing Rage Dragon, a woman who has the walkthrough to the world in her fedora'd head, a dude who heals people by yanking body parts out of their healthier doubles in another dimension, Tinkers (fucking...