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Search results for query: *

  1. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    My assumption here is Coil is interfering. Because how many people can call Armsmaster directly rather then being routed through console and the rest of the chain of command? Or stop Armsmaster from receiving Miss Militia's code purple report? Edit: I also kek at Sophia's PoV. You are being...
  2. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    It's a bit of a sticky situation, no? The police likely have procedure's for them going through NDA after the fact. There are likely laws surrounding the identities of Wards (even probationary ones), but Danny and Taylor shouldn't sign any sort of NDA without a lawyer present (Brandish, in this...
  3. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    In front of everyone, or in front of New Wave? I really should just re-read.
  4. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    I forget what happened that made Armsmaster enemies of Taylor. She melted his haldberd when she acted on instinct, but I don't remember what else.
  5. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    I think he means that as she fights with her power, her Wyvern form will simply be stronger. So at time A, her max is 100, bu the end of the fight, she is now at 150. At time B, she changes and is automatically at what had been 150, the end of the fight would see her at 200. Time C, she starts...
  6. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    So Wyvern gets progressively stronger over time with combat? An interesting take on Lung's shard.
  7. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    I can understand her only going out in her wyvern form, but it seems to me that New Wave would try and commission a costume that can survive her change (mainly as a precaution to changing back to human form, regardless of how difficult that would be).
  8. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Without more practice with her powers, everything she seems to be doing with them appears to be base instinct. Edit: Is Lung not a thing in this AU?
  9. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Halbeard is a nickname that Armsmaster has, since most people remember most the fact that he has a beard and that his preferred weapon is a halberd.
  10. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Which would go to show you how hot her fire really is. Bakuda is a little different because as a tinker, it would have taken her some time to build whatever bombs she held the university hostage with. Time that she would have actively thought about what she was doing.
  11. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    Wyverns, which she actually is even if people don't realise that, are typically smaller than dragons. Presumably Sarah was talking to Danny on the phone.
  12. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    With the amount of damage caused by her blast when she escaped from her locker, I was thinking her fire breath is more in line with a plasma bolt type thing that just fire breath. More physical presence then just fire.
  13. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    To be fair, the difference between a dragon and a wyvern is even less than chimps and humans. The biggest differences is that wyverns tend to have there wings fused with their front legs, and tend to have some actual fur instead of just scales.
  14. RoninSword

    Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

    A lot of sources have Wyverns and Dragons being related species, so for all practical purposes, she is a dragon. Joining New Wave is very likely on the table here, and it will be good for Danny to be made aware of what is happening. I imagine that the PRT is going to be upset that they have...