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  1. Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

    The amusing thing about this point is it realy doesnt matter about their disgust, the entire population of the UNSC could fit into just on hive complex back in imperial space. And a imperil corvette could wreck most fo their fleet.
  2. Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

    hah anyone else thing the UNSC crew are currently thinking about noping away after seeing that space kraken lol.
  3. Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

    Its cools, but it is like a smaller version of another ship in the other story where it took light minutes to see the ship, as the ship itself was as big as a starsytem, and was commanded the the God-Captain lol...
  4. Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

    Love it,would that make the weirdboys, chubby middle aged rastafarians, Or the paindocs chubby mad scientists. Or the grots creepy little childen riding dogs while weilding kitchen knives. Its also amusing to think of rednecks driving toyoto pickups as the form of their armored forces lol
  5. Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

    well thats going to surprise the hell out of the imperium, a primarch basically treating the glops as if they were minions. And the fact that the orks have a human soul is hilarous when they are still screaming waagh lol