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Search results for query: *

  1. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Asymmetric warfare with yourself as long range/control-type in battle and infowar for non-combat sounds good [X] Study extra for the GED [X] Work on your power -[X] Get to scan a normal gun shop and visit a museum's weapon collection.
  2. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Plan your next caper with Uber and Leet [X] Work on your power [X] Arsenal
  3. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Hmm well meeting with Lisa turned out to be as useful as I thought though wasn't expecting that little timeline shift twist not sure where to go from here but we definitely need more allies than just Uber and Leet. [X] Plan Scope [X] Make advancements on your power. -[X] Reinforcement makes...
  4. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] No, not yet. Surprise is too valuable to give up. -[X] What would cause you to want to tell people? A closer/stronger relationship with one of the heros of the city who we could trust to have our backs and not spread the knowledge further than we'd like At the moment if we tell any of the...
  5. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch [X] Study extra for the GED
  6. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Study extra for the GED [X] You have a paying job now, right? Go play games with Uber and Leet
  7. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past [X] Do. Nothing. Maybe the dragon won’t notice you and get angry.
  8. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Go to the library and study for your GED [X] Other (Write In) -[X] Train using your new traceable weapons -[X] Go to a Museum