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Search results for query: *

  1. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Sure. Changing vote. :) [X] Make advancements on your power. -[X] Reinforcement makes what you are using it on better. Attempt something similar except instead of making it better, make it different by projecting a property or effect it didn't have before. --[X] Practice with stuff at home (or...
  2. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Spend time with Uber and Leet [X] Get more gear for your power -[X] Visit the museum and see if you can find something interesting. --[X] Ask Uber and Leet for suggestions.
  3. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Study extra for the GED [X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
  4. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] This is freaking ARMSMASTER here! You wore underpants with his crest on it when you were young! Stay and fangirl!
  5. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Why is Oni Lee so un-athletic?
  6. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Go to the library and study for your GED [X] Go to the arcade [X] Get more gear for your power [X] Get more gear for your power
  7. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [x] Kraid is in Merchants territory. Even if they decide to stop you, they kind of suck. Your armor should be able to take a few gunshots in a pinch, and you’ve heard something about Kraid being the easiest Metroid boss around school even if you haven’t played.
  8. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Yes! These are your friends, and this is a good chance to copy some powered armor. [X] Prima Materia [X] Sleep. If you stay up all night, you’ll be dead on your feet if you go jogging, or you’ll have to sleep in and miss it. Either way, you’re not ready and can better spend your time sleeping.
  9. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Try to meet your new friends at the arcade [X] Go to the library and figure out how to get a GED/start working on one [X] Go to the library and do some cape research
  10. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Look for trouble, but just watch. You’re not sure what causes things to be added to the Hill of Knives, but you’ve got a good guess based on the name and what’s already in it. - [X] But you'll still step in if someone is in trouble.
  11. Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Go downtown and have some fun. -[X] Use your Metal Butter Knife as protection.