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Search results for query: *

  1. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Feedback on your role in the upcoming Uber & Leet (& Arsenal?) video? (Pick One) [X] Asymmetric warfare with yourself as long range/control-type in battle and infowar for non-combat sounds good Next Day’s Day Plan (Two votes, up to two more if you cannibalize morning study or evening patrol)...
  2. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Here! :D [X] Study extra for the GED [X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
  3. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Okay first. [X] You’re not ready to talk to a real hero yet. You haven’t done anything to really earn the name for yourself, and you don’t want to make a bad first impression by fangirling. Second. This is Awesome. Third. For some reason (probably due to me wanting to sleep) I kept...
  4. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    If its shard fuckery then the possibilities would be practically endless. You can trace anything. A~ny~thing! Imagine the number of bullshit you can pull of with that. Not to mention the ability to trace the skills to use from an item, like Shirou did with Berserker's axesword to do a...
  5. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    You know, siflux this is your quest, so you can tweak those rules a bit if you want. Nothing says you have to absolutely follow canon, specially since this is mixed with Worm setting, so you have that as an excuse. For things like this, Nasu canon should be a guideline more than anything. I...
  6. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    Can our prana capacity improve with use? Or is it a limited amount that now matter how used and refiled will always stay the same?
  7. Silver W. King

    Blade (UBW!Taylor Worm Quest)

    [X] Go to the library and study for your GED [X] Go to the arcade [X] Get more gear for your power [X] Get more gear for your power We now have the freakin power armor? Awesome! :D