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Search results for query: *

  1. Edgedancer

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    I suppose it's fitting that you have pokemon on the one quest and a school on the other. Together, they basically make the whole package, or at least so I assume, I haven’t gotten around to actually playing the new generation yet. Although, technical issues aside, I generally am hearing good...
  2. Edgedancer

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    Huh, see part of me is inevitably drawn to my character from the vote, but then my mind goes to how "unhinged and dainty mage that has a heavy focus on transmuting life buys a burly warrior that happens to have originally been designed to be a 'cooperative test subject'" probably would have made...
  3. Edgedancer

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    Well, I was already considering something kinda snake like to lean into the theme with some hugging with slight creepy factor, so I might as well slot that in. For reference: Serpentine — An side product of experiments to rejuvinate the human body. While the effect on their lifespan is...
  4. Edgedancer

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    [X] Plan: Friendmaker -[X] Evangeline Whitescale -[X] Age 17 -[X] Female -[X] Species: Serpentine — An side product of experiments to rejuvinate the human body. While the effect on their lifespan is minimal, their skin is able to quickly cleanse itself of any blemishes. Other side effects...