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Search results for query: *

  1. Tamphithere

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    Actually, as an aspiring specialist in alchemy with a side-gig in transformation, a slave with knowledge of the whole field of transmutation could be really helpful. Assistant and test subject all in one, and she even has regenerative properties in case something doesn't go well. [X] Attend...
  2. Tamphithere

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    I found it really confusing, but I don't know if that will fade with experience. It feels a little like Jackie is a projective telepath who can't shut it off, so anything she thinks is heard by everyone around her. I don't have a strong idea of where to go just yet, other than maybe somewhere...
  3. Tamphithere

    Cut and Dry (wizard adventure school, oc setting)

    I'm drawn to the Technocrat trait. As a scientist I always feel like the idea of "ThInGs MaN wAs NoT mEaNt To KnOw!!!!!11one" is pretty dumb, so it's amusing to take it to extremes. "I say, so all of reality is crafted of the near-corpse of a dying god held together by its dreams, doomed to...