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Search results for query: *

  1. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Matron & The Auror

    The Matron Night. Saturday, Sept. 14 Poppy Pomfrey generally liked her job, stressful as it could sometimes be. Children could be quite... dumb, you see, and in the twenty-four years that the witch had worked at Hogwarts, she had become all too familiar with that headache-inducing (and...
  2. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

    Huh, this thread was actually complained to a different forum. Have to admit I'm kinda impressed. Let this be the last that anyone speaks of it though, because I think I've been more than cordial about the whole thing.
  3. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π34:: The Rest of the Day

    A/N: guess I finished the newest chapter much sooner than I thought I would. That Afternoon. Sunday, Sept. 15 “I’m hungry,” Harry said a few minutes later, and the boy’s words caused Hermione to realise that she was hungry too. Quite so, in fact. Which, frankly, was only to be...
  4. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

    For now? Just more locations. Don't know if that'll change, but that's the plan for now. Thanks for reading.
  5. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived

    No, Hermione already said so some chapters back; you've probably just forgotten. Between Phoenix tears and Madam Pomfrey working her magic, well, they came out of it physically unblemished.
  6. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π33:: The Morning After [V]

    Morning. Sunday, Sept. 15 “I think we should do it,” Hermione said. “I agree,” Harry said. “After all, let’s be honest, if we don’t, then she’s most likely just going to print whatever the hell she wants.” “That she will,” Dumbledore agreed. Hermione agreed too, but that didn’t mean...
  7. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π32:: The Morning After [IV]

    Morning. Sunday, Sept. 15 “I know because Voldemort knew.” Harry’s words elicited different reactions from the adult members of the room, Hermione noticed. Madam Bones and Prof. McGonagall both looked confused at what he meant, while The Headmaster peered at the boy intently over his...
  8. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π31:: The Morning After [III]

    Morning. Sunday, Sept. 15 Harry’s sniffles lasted barely a minute, and when he got them under control, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and gave Hermione a shaky smile. “I’m fine,” he said. “Thanks.” Prof. McGonagall looked like she wanted to say something to the boy, but, finally...
  9. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π30:: The Morning After [II]

    Morning. Sunday, Sept. 15 “If you will come with me,” Prof. McGonagall said, and Hermione looked at Harry. The boy shrugged; they’d both known this was coming, maybe not quite like this, but the point remained. Looking back at Prof. McGonagall, Hermione nodded and spoke for the both of...
  10. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π29:: The Morning After [I]

    The Next Morning. Sunday, Sept. 15 Hermione Granger woke from a restful, dreamless sleep, thanks to Madam Pomfrey’s potions, to find that she really needed to pee. The eleven-year-old sat up on the narrow but comfortable infirmary bed she was on, and immediately looked to her left where...
  11. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Owl

    On the 24th of July, 1991, many things changed. For the centaurs, it was The Song, for Harry Potter, it was his life as he knew it, and for Hedwig, it was her very being. In a single moment, Hedwig had gone from a simple, if admittedly beautiful and intelligent, owl, to something else...
  12. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Centaur

    Evening. Saturday, Sept. 14 To be a centaur is to never know silence. This is a simple truth of life. The concept, in fact, is so alien to them that no centaur language has a word for it, because how can there be no sound when the stars are always singing? How can there be... silence...
  13. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Rat

    Saturday, Sept. 14 Peter Pettigrew was a sad, pathetic man. He was a coward. A traitor. And undoubtedly, he deserved to burn in the deepest depths of hell. Two things he wasn’t, however, were incompetent, and remorseful. For, you see, while Peter Pettigrew was unarguably the lowest form...
  14. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π28:: ...the Storm

    Evening. Saturday, Sept 14 ...“Dumbledore, we need you! Death Eaters have set fiendfyre to Hogsmeade!” As soon as the message finished, the silver hawk disappeared, and The Great Hall rang with a silence that was reminiscent of the one that had welcomed Hermione and Harry not even ten...
  15. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Dark Lord

    Afternoon. Saturday, Sept. 14 Tom Marvolo Riddle hated many things; a pesky mudblood who wouldn’t get out of his way when he had a baby to kill, chief among them. Another thing Tom Riddle absolutely detested, was that nagging feeling you get in the back of your mind when there was...
  16. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π27:: The Calm Before...

    Evening. Same Day. Saturday, Sept. 14 The world came into focus for Hermione with sounds. “Hermione, can you hear me?” It sounded like Harry. But that wasn’t possible, the girl thought as her heart clenched. Harry was dead. The snake had killed him. It had killed her too. ... But...
  17. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: Interlude:: The Deputy Headmistress [II]

    Afternoon. Saturday, Sept. 14 So far, Minerva McGonagall’s weekend was proving to be irritating, and it had, of course, started with Mr. Potter and Miss Granger vanishing for the whole of Thursday night and half of Friday. It was no secret in Hogwarts that the two first-year Gryffindors...
  18. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π26:: The Monster of Slytherin

    A/N: you know, in the months that I've been writing this story, I've had well over a dozen comments describing this story as the tale of a creepy adult male (ie Harry) grooming a naive, young girl (ie Hermione). I literally had a reader drop the story at chapter 3 just a few days ago because...
  19. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π25:: The Flight of the Valkyrie [II]

    A/N: last for now. Same Morning. Saturday, Sept. 14 Naturally, having being given free reign to fly around, albeit gently, the first-years clumped together into little groups that was mostly segregated by House. This, of course, saw the ten Gryffindors present as their own little...
  20. Jackpot-kun

    Hermione Granger and The Boy-Who-Lived
    Threadmarks: π24:: The Flight of the Valkyrie [I]

    Same Morning. Saturday, Sept. 14 Everyone thought it was a prank. Which, in hindsight, made sense, Hermione supposed. After all, if she had been woken up by the crowing of a cock ringing across the entire castle on a Saturday morning, her first thought wouldn’t have been that a couple of...