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Search results for query: *

  1. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    It's fine. I wish you well and thank you for the story so far.
  2. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I now want Naruto and Ninetales to meet only for Kurama to lash out at this absurdity. Hahaha!
  3. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I'm split. On one hand Lee is going full in on doing things, Corviknight is doing his names sake proud and the gecko is becoming the legend it was mean to be but on the other hand intensively hurt Ninetales. Then again her race lives a long to so it will heal eventually. Guess it's best to...
  4. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    It's good thing this scientist rejected Dr Juji even though he suffered for it. If he had been apart of the team MewTwo would have been on a more powerful dosage of drugs than he already is and might not live long.
  5. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    So that’s why that Mega was so damn strong. Damn that sounds brutal, hope Magma goes down hard. Then again I kinda want them to summon the legendary only for it to go on a rampage to search for its rival. I think the whole Baltoy and Claydol psychic network is intended to help them control Groudon.
  6. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Great! Lee finally has the motivation to go over the limits now and go full Plus Ultra. By the time the league happens. Lee will be rocking a team ready to take on mythical Pokemon.
  7. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Maxie is a mad man that is sure of himself and what we have seen does use psychic Pokémon to control his men. I would not put it pass him to believe his own hype that much. I do not believe his Claydol is powerful enough to pull it off. At best he can piss of the Legendary Pokémon. Then again...
  8. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Was thinking that with all that fighting. If Groudon was under that mountain. It would wake up and start a rampage. As for the hax power of the Claydol Pokemon I was expecting Maxie to have done some research to it. So they can somehow control Groudon.
  9. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Damn you got me.
  10. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Makes sense he is a teenager. I also find it ironic. We just had a chapter a while ago about how he was going to clear his father’s name and make sure Lee will not have a troubled legacy. Clearly joining a terrorist organisation that your mentor is warning you that they are going to commit...
  11. Tobi

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Is Brendan thinking with his dick or has he been mind controlled. The fact that the idiot with glasses called him out makes me think that.