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Search results for query: *

  1. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    In true anime gag fashion, the training must somehow end with Ichigo wearing dog ears, and Yoruichi being stronger in her Cat form than her Shinigami form, as a reference to Lee being more skilled at training Animals/Monsters. :v
  2. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    >Never do mass audience appeal Hah, jokes on you, I prefer man-on-pokemon action anyways! Anyways, I'm still on the Team LeeXNinetales, and nothing can stop that.
  3. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    >Literally Anyone: "The Pokeworld is mostly water already. Like, 70% or more is all water. To the point we haven't even explored most of it, and a majority of it is mostly empty." >Archie: "Okay, yeah, but hear me out" >Archie: "M o R e W a T e R" >Team Aqua: *Incoherent raucous cheering*...
  4. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Honestly, that probably did more to help better the realtionship between him and Sylveon more than anything else he's done or could do.
  5. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Hah, expect that the sibling Eevee's to Orre is a Colliseum reference. As for pairings, regardless of what's been said I'm on team Lee/Ninetales till the day I die, damn it.
  6. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    A Pseudo-legendary *can* reach that level, they just need enough FRIENDSHIP to get a properly Nanoha-Level Hyperbeam or Giga Hug Impact. :v
  7. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I mean, Legendaries are "So that's where that continent came from" level powerful, and Pseudo-legendaries can approach somewhere near there, and that's not even getting into the weeds of 'Pokemon world that somehow works despite many dex entires being canon' being a potential AU. So honestly...
  8. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    The first thing that popped into my head upon realizing that Grovyle is basically learning PokeHEMA/PoKendo from manuscripts is the most classical and ancient of moves as described in real-life manuscripts. Namely, that he could absolutely use Bullet Seed to perform a textbook END HIM RIGHTLY...
  9. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Plus he has a powerful psychic type and no morals. Girl's brain is so twisted up IIRC even her Pokemon know shits going on, from an earlier interlude with them. But like, on one hand I feel bad for her, on the other hand she is the one that trusted someone with a psychic type going "Oh yes I...
  10. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Well, at least seeing what Maxie is willing to do to his own partner, given that Mega Evolution requires a very strong bond, should make people VERY leery of what he might be doing to the various Mooks. I mean, if he's willing to do that to a partner close enough to Mega Evolve, just imagine...
  11. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Yeah, Evil Teams tend to be no joke. There's a reason that they're only really defeated when the guys get like 7/8 Badges and are ready to go toe-to-toe with Champions and sweep Elite 4's. When your plan has a non-zero chance of needing you to throw hands with God, your teams tends to be...
  12. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Pretty Hot ngl. :v
  13. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Eh, that's par for the course, really. Standard Anime World Villain Hubris, and all that. We don't know *exactly* what Courtney told him, and she got in there first with the "They don't trust you, but I do, see, I'm telling you my secret and they aren't telling you anything, they think you're...
  14. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    God damn, Courtney's pussy game must be top tier for Brendan to straight-up abandon his friends even knowing that Magma intends to fuck around with forces they don't understand. Then again, young kid getting swept up after a 'betrayal' revealed and presenting a 'sane' and 'sympathetic' face is...
  15. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I mean, maybe I'm a sucker, but it seems a pretty clear setup for a 'learning to love again' plot, except like, platonically with a 'found family' sort of deal, as opposed to romantically. It'd be neat to see, at least.
  16. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Nah, he needs something short, sweet, easy to remember, and rolls off the tongue. So, "The Succ", or for alliteration and marketing purposes, "The Succ Sword". :v "Give 'em THE SUCC, Grovyle!"
  17. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Eh, I don't think they *need* to separate, but rather to just develop outside each other a little, to become a bit less codependent. But even then, they're still a unit, and that's something I quite like. Like, having Ninetales get a hobby outside him is nice, but also her lifespan is long...
  18. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    My favourite part of that picture is that I can kind of read Garchomp's face as worried/scared and going "Oh shit Giratina you dun it now", which is doubly hilarious since Garchomps are, IIRC, super aggressive. Plus the core idea of Fairy Type being "You must be happy and joyful" and then...
  19. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Ayyyyy, it's finally caught up. Nice. Well, Brendan has been shown to have a good head on his shoulders, so I doubt he'll be taken in by the "Let's summon a legendary to make more land for ill-defined reasons!" goal. If anything, he's gonna go full Shonen Protagonist and 'save' Courtney. At...
  20. Vanbers

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I mean, I'm figuring there's a reason why effectively anyone asked (and many unasked) say that this place is *markedly* more chill than SB/SV. And part of that is probably the rules being... significantly less-draconian/too-hyper-specific/not-specific-enough leading to mod fuckery. More...