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Search results for query: *

  1. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    So what the heck is the P.G.D.F. compass?
  2. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Who's to say that the effects will drop off? They've been bathing in magic Poké-Radiation for a week already and Shinx is being exposed to this pretty young; maybe Shinx will become the Spiderman of Pokémon. Edit: With the bond between Lee and Ninetales making Lee something more than human, do...
  3. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    You mean Coliseum? Because that's the game that takes place in the Orre region.
  4. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Well. Looks like Lee is gonna pull an N.
  5. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

  6. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Honestly I'd like to see continuations of some of these omakes at some point. Especially with Fuggmann hinting at them being connected.
  7. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    So is the sixth Pokéball empty? Or does this take place in the FUTURE?
  8. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Drainblade/Drain-Blade/Drain Blade?
  9. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Damnit man! Stories don't usually make me cry. But this is the one exception. And it's a good kind of cry. Not a tragedy, but the picking up of the pieces afterwards.
  10. Yakubi42

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I've read through this story twice already. I'm all in on this. BoD is also pretty good, but BoC is fantastic. :cool: