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  1. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Perky goth Sylvie? Perky goth Sylvie.
  2. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    I’m pretty sure they reached Lavaridge before Lee and co. left, actually.
  3. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Yeah... In no particular order, Octillery lost his family, his friends, and his innocence. He buried empathy and love in the name of survival, to the point he could only allow himself to reach out for it under the guise of the strength and security of a Trainer-Pokemon team.
  4. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    An idea I had that I liked is Parascythe. Like, Parasite Scythe, but shorter, catchier, and snappier.
  5. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    It's also worth noting that here on QQ folks already have an outlet for their horni. It's called QQ :V
  6. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Fuggman did mention the possibility of something being posted over in the nsfw section. But it's only a possibility at present, and even if it does happen there's no confirmation of who will be involved ;)
  7. Zendrelax

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Huh. You know, I just might take this as an excuse to do a reread I've been thinking about.