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  1. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    In his defense, I'd have laughed, too, and I'm not British. I'm sad to see it go, but it's a good chapter to end it on, I guess. Thank you for sharing with us :)
  2. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    If you succeed, all the Slayers will want to show up to their weddings with a flamethrower...
  3. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I'd rephrase that one to 'more than one spare' to put more emphasis on the number aspect of that sentence... ... but I might just be nitpicking.
  4. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Truly, a sin. Even if it does show professional competence. The enemy isn't defeated until you've shot him through the head. Adjust as sensible, if you enemy's not human.
  5. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Hope they remember to nap in flight. Don't want to be running on fumes when they finally catch up to the kidnappers.
  6. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I think a single dot is the shortest comment I've ever made that's actually on topic lol. I couldn't get myself to add to that one, so hence the double post to comment on it.
  7. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    For now at least it certainly sounds as if Alexis was only a target-of-opportunity (or a witness they didn't want to remain behind) and they have no idea who exactly they caught... and Alexis is smart enough not to lecture them once she realises she wasn't the target unless she needs to make...
  8. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I'm very happy to see this updating again :)
  9. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I think Cain might have put two and two together
  10. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    You write that like I'm supposed to recognize it... *uses google* Oh, okay. I am supposed to recognize him. Fair enough.
  11. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    are we there yet?
  12. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Good chapter - as always. Those poor wolves, getting the fear of Vi put into them... Castle... somehow I suspect that your lady-friends might not have appreciated that particular spurt of humor. minor oopsie
  13. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Whatt a friendly, stress-free workplace environment...
  14. steamrick

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I wasn't too sure about reading this story at first because I'm completely unfamiliar with Castle, but the lure of Buffy drew me and even if Buffy only has a rather minor role in the story, I stayed for the hilarious character interactions. Thanks for the laughs :)