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Search results for query: *

  1. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Rare to get a good look at the inner works of the mariks. Usually they are their partaking of their favorite game of civil strife. If they can get it to work it could be a good side grade but they have to get there first. Wait and see what happens but yeah good luck actually getting their hands...
  2. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    With these types the lrm are to soften the enemy and harrass and only once half crippled do they approach and finish them with srm and the hatchet/mace. So having a lot of lrm to spam is useful.
  3. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Nah dude sounds good. 20/16 shots can go pretty fast in a real fight and gives the mech some staying power for several engagements before it has to retreat to reload.
  4. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Been playing battletech 3062 advanced and really loving it. Here is a downgraded but still workable design inspired from there. Introtech really hurts it but still potentially useful.
  5. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Marriage would be useful to seal a more useful alliance. *New update as type* Yes the wheel turns and this cousin should have interesting words when he gets back to Hanse. Yes Brockton apparently is capable of much but has been left out in the cold to long and still fears backstabbing...
  6. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    I wonder if some distant alliance or trade comes of this? They seem to hit it off decently and their spheres do not overlap. It could be very profitable to have a source of outside goods or expertise.
  7. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Yeah thats always been one of the biggest problem on the drac front that the critical factory worlds are always under direct threat and worlds change hands pretty freely out that way. If they could they would be far better of moving factories or building subsidiaries elsewhere but who has the...
  8. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Lot of ifs there. He has to find out something Brockton thinks they have no reason to tell him about and it depends on samurai not drinking the good wine then banzai into a critical asset that could turn the forever war against the dragon. The Sandovals being able to produce awesomes is a...
  9. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    So the lines go to Robinson... Politically understandable but I would place it deeper in the realm. Robinson is close enough a deep raid, and there will be, to hit the place and loot or smash those lines as a threat. Though we also get to se what Brockton can do and if they perform very well...
  10. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Before they build whole ships they could build in sections and test modals of equipment and once they think they have a functional something then build full up prototypes.
  11. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Perhaps trade data cores and some licenses? Both would win then and Brockton has some very useful stuff.
  12. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    But are they actually talking to the right people or access to the right info? Knowledge is precious. Knowledge is hidden. Including what you know or dont know.
  13. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Why would they? They are in the outback struggling to survive far from anything of "importance" with the absolute knowledge that the golden worlds lack for nothing and have lost nothing. Even the looting of their industry was driven more by shear greed than anything else. There is a fundamental...
  14. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Yeah. If they can keep enough production to protect what they have or dont get sabotaged by internal or external actors who want the outback to stay a resource hole. But if it can work brockton could become the key point of the outback letting the rest of the region finally grow.
  15. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    The great problem of the outback. Trapped in poverty because all resources need to be on the front lines and if they do start to build up they risk a pirate raid... or it being pulled away to the more vital front lines.
  16. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    If they tell Hanse about the Striker when they think it will end in a brutal slash and burn raid... And that's the thing they might not. Certainly the big corps will have all sorts of logical reasons how they should totally get all the tooling but a smaller company might be able to do more...
  17. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    If they can get it. This is probably going to turn into a epic cluster fuck with literally everyone in the sphere showing up looking to loot. And the loot might be assault droppers looking for fun. And if they do get the tooling will it get routed to where it can do good or be gobbled up by some...
  18. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Aint Lockheed the lyran company that is in for a huge corruption scandal? Capellans might finally get that variant in production just in time to lose it. OWA? selling the design and the tech to make it could be used to get something good like tooling for shadow hawks or some medical tech...
  19. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    So ship a ton of the cannons or even better open factory on world then laugh as Davion gets a upgraded fighter. And one the Lyrans will really want because their aerospace options in this era are mostly shit to suicide sled.
  20. Blade4

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Good speed, fuel, and armor with a simple effective upgrade with enough ammo to be generous servicing the enemy. Big thing is do they have a good source for the engine?