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  1. BlueRanger O-Doom

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    So…they’ve gotten MMLs and light RACs to the final stage of prototyping before they’re field tested. WHAT!?! Ooooh, that is going to be a nasty, nasty surprise when they go into proper production.
  2. BlueRanger O-Doom

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    I like that they’re both clearly adaptations to fit a need. One clearly an escort/assault ship to fill a gap in ability. The Jumbo is a response to not having enough Overlords or Fortresses.
  3. BlueRanger O-Doom

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    I think in the fluff it’s stated the Lion was still puttering around in the periphery, but in poor shape and low numbers given lack of parts. With MMLs I really would like to see dropships and second line mechs using them. Let’s them add on the armor to actually stay in the fight.
  4. BlueRanger O-Doom

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    I think an example for folks who aren’t super familiar with the setting is that Star League tech(circa 2778 roughly), would be comparable in setting to late 1980’s/ early 1990’s tech level. Whereas by the time this fic starts in 3014 all the Succession Wars have wrecked EVERYTHING! To the point...
  5. BlueRanger O-Doom

    New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

    Well, this has my attention. A relatively major industrial hub in the Fed Suns outback pulling this off is a very interesting idea. I also like that you made the tech dispersion more organic, compare to OTL being a literal cargo cult in regards to what designs survived to 3014.