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Search results for query: *

  1. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    Ah yes, early Makoto trauma. Can't think of anything else to add, maybe a speedrunning joke.
  2. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    F in the chat for this story's Ren Amamiya, who went out as a chad/alpha/badass/man of strong moral values. o7
  3. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    Sheesh I was and am not prepared for the Ann vs. Morgana catfight dynamic. I get that Mona is basically the spirit of hope manifest shoved into the shape of a cat (in vanilla anyway), But he really acts like a cat shoved into the form of a human-shoved-into-the-form-of-a-cat sometimes.
  4. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    Next thing you know, she's going to be shouting "For real?!" left and right, too!
  5. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    Bit confused: are Cognitions in this story are the shadows of the palace ruler's memory/impression of the person or the actual Shadow of the person dragged into the palace? Because the former explains where Palace!Ann got it wrong: she can't go berserk if denied, she's not the actual shadow of...
  6. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    I think she (Palace Ann) forgot she was a cognition, not a shadow lol.
  7. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    oooh. Ann first? That's already an interesting mix up!