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Search results for query: *

  1. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    I'll rewrite that part, and the lion.
  2. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    You'd really think Cersei would allow Lancel to get another one of her children? You'll have to wait and see.
  3. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 11

    I found Tommen walking the gardens with his sister, Myrcella, and with Ser Boros Blount escorting them. He was very excited to see me - certainly remembering my promise earlier that day - and it took nothing more than putting my hand on Lionheart’s pommel to have Ser Boros leave with Myrcella. I...
  4. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 10 part 2

    As I entered Uncle Tywin’s solar, I found him sitting on his throne, somewhat tired from the day. “I see that you’ve built yourself quite the army.” he said, “Explain your logic to me.” “It’s simple.” I replied, “It’s a fully self-contained combined-arms force of four thousand five hundred men...
  5. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 10 part 1

    First Day of the Seventh Moon of 295 AC I can’t overstate my excitement as I read that letter six moons ago. Not only was Gerion - my favourite uncle - returning home - it was also almost certainly at least in part because of me. Now, I knew he was going to be impressed with me nonetheless - I...
  6. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 9

    First Day of the First Moon of 295 AC As I looked at the sunset over the namesake sea, my hair flowing in the wind, I reflected over my time at Castamere. After that fateful meeting with uncle Tywin, I had been appointed Castellan over the ruins, bringing with me a fortune - both of my own and...
  7. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 8

    The feast, and the preparation for it, were exhausting. I was immediately the hit of the party, and decided to wear my lion’s pelt over my shoulder just to allow people to spot me more easily. I was sought out primarily by the Lords of the Westerlands, or those in their stead, who had come to...
  8. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 7

    Ser Barristan quickly moved from the side of the jousting field, grabbing me by the shoulder and telling me; “Come, boy, His Grace is anxious to see you.” With a nod of my head, I grabbed my horse by the reins and moved towards the viewing area, and we both bowed in the direction of King Robert...
  9. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 6

    Fifteenth Day of the Third Moon of 293 AC As I rode through the gates of the castle of Ashemark, on the morning of the fifteenth day of the third moon, I found Ser Addam Marbrand awaiting me. He had heard the stories of a man riding through the countryside wearing the pelt of a lion like...
  10. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    Tytos wasn't exactly known for making the most advantageous marriages. The heir to Ashemark has just enough stature to marry the first cousin once removed and goodniece of the Lord Paramount, but it's still a good deal for him.
  11. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 5

    First Day of the Third Moon of 293 AC About six moons had passed since I arrived at Ashemark, and it was nothing like Casterly Rock. I had effectively no time dedicated to my studies, and, outside of what little free time I had, all of my days were spent training with or helping Ser Addam...
  12. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    The premise is the same - only the character is different. He still got the super soldier serum, it's just that, as a guy from the 17th century, he has no idea it exists, and therefore he doesn't know why he's this strong.
  13. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    that's a previous version of chapter 4.
  14. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    Cerenna, the daughter of Stafford (Joanna's brother) is the one being married, not Lancel. He couldn't be married even if Tywin wanted to do so - he's only ten. There aren't any Marbrands for him to marry anyway, we literally only know of Addam and Damon from the main branch.
  15. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 4

    As I walked up Tywin’s solar, my father had his customary face of worry and pride at the same time - the one he sported when I was confirmed as uncle Tywin’s page. I had only rarely met my uncle other than in passing since then, and never with my father by my side, so I had no idea what to...
  16. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    I'll rewrite that last chapter. Thanks for the advice. With regards to the navy, however, Spinola is Genoese. His family's entire fortune comes from maritime trade and while he himself was never an Admiral, many of his relatives were. He worked closely with the navy, was a colleague of Bazán's...
  17. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)

    I’m going to try a different writing style. The Nineteenth Day of the Eighth Moon of 292 AC I still remembered the day, a fortnight prior, as I walked up the stairs to my uncle’s solar. The meeting ended up being far more friendly than I had anticipated - I was simply confirmed as my uncle’s...
  18. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 3

    The Tenth Day of the Third Moon of 291 AC It took quite a while for Lancel to recover the injuries the Hound had unleashed upon him - though he healed quickly, to the surprise of the Maester - they were still heavy, and so he was only just returning to sparring at full strength when his uncle...
  19. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 2

    The Nineteenth Day of the Tenth Moon of 289 AC The past five fortnights under his uncle’s tutelage had been hard. That day where he first became his page had been spent with two hours of lecturing over what his duties, responsibilities and schedule would be. He was to be at the courtyard at...
  20. The Lion who was Promised (ASOIAF SI)
    Index: Chapter 1

    This is inspired by The Great Lion by LargeFarva, an excellent fanfiction which unfortunately seems to have ended. It will not be the same story, however, though I will borrow to some extent from it. ***************** Ambrogio Spinola Doria, 1st Marquess of Balbases, stood lying in his...