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Search results for query: *

  1. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    I'm liking how you portray Armsy in this fic. Still stiff to protocol but not unreasonable. I know its cause things worked out this time, but still. Also good riddance Sophia. I almost want to see Emma's reaction to being all alone, but tbh I'd rather have more of the Arcadia gang and more...
  2. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    I wish we actually got the press conference proper, but I suppose it's just filler at the end of the day. The Sophia situation... I guess it's bound to happen. I'm guessing Mads is the one who got called in 'cause she might be able to handle her Breaker state?
  3. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Definitely wasn't the wisest move to provoke Emma, but if I was Madison I would have done worse and said waaaay more things just to wipe the look off her face. I'm hoping Emma gets suspended for punching a student, but it's unlikely. At least this is the last time we see her (hopefully)?
  4. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Knowing the Wards have their back feels genuinely wholesome. Wards hang-out when?--
  5. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    It was stated early on that Emma had built up her own little posse before offering Madison to join them. Madison mitigated things which prevented her from sinking her claws on everyone by (unironically) being nice. Also it WOULD actually be suspicious if Sophia as SS keeps reporting to the...
  6. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    I wonder if Charlotte also got a transfer. Also Emma got her short-term victory, but in the long run Taylor and Mads still win. Hope you're happy being the queen of a big dump, Emma. I'll give her a week or two before everyone realizes that without Taylor to pick on she's just a bitch. Good...
  7. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Can't wait for them to meet the others and eventually get their costumes. Though I do wonder what happens if Sophia gets probation and becomes a Ward in this timeline as well. I'm actually hoping she doesn't and just goes straight to juvie.
  8. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Fluff is always appreciated. Sad they couldn't involve Taylor, but more time with Amy is also good. When I read that Taylor is in New York, I immediately thought 'Will she end up copying any powers over there? Legend??' but probably not. It'd be pretty cool though. Thank you for converting...
  9. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Oh my bad, I didn't know that.
  10. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Okay, I gotta admit: Madison has a VERY cool power. Taylor as well, but that's a given since she basically has all of them (eventually). Now I'm wondering what their Cape names would be.
  11. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Damn, before I realized it I already caught up! This has been enjoyable so far! Peggy Sues and Time Travel aren't usually my thing, but I'm glad to say that this has caught my interest. The alt powers are pretty cool, but the main selling point is definitely the brand new connections. Mads and...