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  1. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Because it's very impractical? He can't cancel his power, so the shield is essentially one-time, and at that point it's easier to just walk around with a stack of papers or something, which he does in canon IIRC, or use his power on his full-body suit (which would immobilize him as much as a...
  2. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    He actually does not prevent broken triggers, they were a thing before. All the examples I mentioned, that effectively killed their host (but the shard kept going), were a thing before Scion died. It's just reality hasn't been turned into swiss cheese before Gold Morning, and they happen far...
  3. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Which is why probably is important. As a Scion cape, she is at lower risk. Somewhat. *Eyes Ash Beast, Sleeper, Tinker 15* For the most part.
  4. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Her shard will probably stop that kind of stuff.
  5. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Is it? Or is it a matter of like the prohibition where on paper it's still illegal, but it is largely unenforced?
  6. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Scion also uses it to do things like tune his attack so it ignores the temporal anomalies Khonsu uses, and so on. It's, apparently, ludicrously versatile indeed.
  7. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    It's limited, we know this from WoG about questions of "why didn't Scion repair or warn Eden from the future?" , but I'd say it's only "very" limited when it comes to hosts. As well, we know from at least three high level precogs don't "calculate" the future, but actually perceive it as an...
  8. Shard_486

    What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Madison's shard might still have info from the future, and thus cause weirdness.