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Search results for query: *

  1. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Anyone else think Madison was getting Managed in that meeting with the costume team? 'Here are a couple obviously bad designs for you to reject, so that when we give you the one we always wanted you to pick, it looks really good in comparison.'
  2. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    I'm with Mads on this one. I can feel the other shoe just waiting to drop...
  3. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    Which group? You just described two groups in the previous paragraph - those she can shield easily and those she can't - so you need to specify which one this is talking about.
  4. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    The safeguards mean you won't get a power that's automatically self-destructive - Spitfire doesn't burn her own face off, Velocity doesn't injure himself from air resistance running 200 km/h. It doesn't mean Capes are automatically immune to damaging themselves with their own power in general.
  5. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    That seems like the sort of thing the Entities would actually care about, and thus would configure Shards to prevent, similar to, say, unrestricted AI or FTL travel. Host accidentally nukes herself? That's fine. But a host accidentallying the whole experimental universe is A Problem.
  6. What's the Frequency, Madison? [Worm, Time Travel]

    "But we're both girls!" Honestly, I'd have been too afraid to try any more blind tests after that, for fear of, say, accidentally turning off the Strong Nuclear Force and suddenly having my target start fissioning.