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Search results for query: *

  1. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    Yeah. Nothing is sacred and anyone in the middle of it to see it will likely say they deserved what Slaanesh did to them for doing that.
  2. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    As someone would say when you explore such a topic where you intentionally write an utopia breaking down because of hedonism like how the eldar fell, deal in absolutes such that the graphic depiction is too horrid to read.
  3. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    Usually that tends to happen historically. It would make an interesting meta commentary for said utopia to break down by itself because of boredom and hedonism to chase the next new high except it might be too spicy as a story to be released.
  4. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    Should be when I know your biases before I remember you mentioning. Though with the way assassins creed had the templars go at it, they and the assassins had a hand in starting it and then corrupting it.
  5. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    Oh so star Trek's federation was a templar creation in your interpretation?
  6. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    I can agree with the fun of world building with the power of the pen or in this case the key board. If I had that drive I can actually export worlds that haven't been touched in while like the dystopian world of dark reign 2 or the desolate world of a dead Nosgoth to killer robots wanting to...
  7. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    It was something else. Something about a labyrinth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harem_in_the_Labyrinth_of_Another_World https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/so-i-heard-you-like-buying-sex-slaves-slave-harem-in-the-labyrinth-of-the-other-world-si-oc.19343/ I didn't comment on the...
  8. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    More of a meta commentary on people that don't like your story continue to talk about it and then thinking of a similar scene from one where they wrote a story killing the main character of an isekai story for owning a slave on this site. Makes me think I'm a bit of a hypocrite not feeling...
  9. Post-Conquest: Insurgence (ST and SW Crossover)

    Hmmm... interesting reactions so to speak. I don't feel strongly about the Federation getting fucked sideways though that's probably because I'm not that into star trek. Probably would feel differently if the GEOM ended up in a recreation of the Hague to stand trial and be humiliated. I don't...