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Search results for query: *

  1. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    This was simultaneously amazing and and the same time so utterly frustrating. How can the Protectorate be so incompetent at their jobs, yet so good at surviving said incompetence? I'm really hoping this was a wake up call for them. Like seriously, Lung bitch slapped their entire team on his own...
  2. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Yeeeah, Ani isn't going to be happy about all this. Now the question is... does he get there AFTER she's been frozen and scares everyone off, or will he need to rescue her from the PRT/Coil? Also, like a few others have mentioned? Not exactly having Ani go on a rampage, but the PRT DOES need a...
  3. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    No worries dude. I, and I believe many others here, no exactly what you're going through with the depression. Just, the lack of will to do more than the bare minimum, and even that can be a challenge. Here's hoping you're in a better headspace now. As for the chapter, I liked it. Anakin got to...
  4. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Well, she's not wrong... The Brockton branch of the Protectorate/PRT is hilariously bad at their jobs... Also, I'm still chuckling at Dinah's continued descent into the dark and abyssal depths of Chunni. It's adorable to see her acting her age despite all that's happened. Lastly, I'm curious...
  5. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Ya know what the most surprising thing about all this was? That the PRT admitted that he hadn't hurt civilians, nor had he attacked law enforcement. While they are taking him seriously, and are digging their heels in with the Villain tag, they are at least recording the fact that his status is...
  6. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Not a series or anything. I just vaguely remember a few comics from different artists where Vader would bring Lea to work with him. Just some jokes, ya know?
  7. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    I was about to say the same thing! It's adorable how hard she's trying to imitate him. That's freakin' perfect. I think I've seen that comic before... Bring your daughter to work day?
  8. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    While I'll admit that's a good choice, can't go wrong with HK. But due to the meatbag comments, I've mostly been reading it's voice as Bender Bending Rodriguez. Though that might just be because I'm so happy at hearing Futurama is getting another season.
  9. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Hmm, it looks like Faultline & Crew earned their pay this time around. Because whew, that was a lot of clones... Also, HAH! I love watching the Travelers get their teeth kicked in. They keep going on about how they're good people and just trying to get home, yet are perfectly fine to sweep the...
  10. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    "PRT" You made this mistake a few times. Hmm, and it looks like Miss Militia's power is doing to her what Carol's did, focusing her on an interesting target to incite more conflict. Though it does seem that MM is at least trying to temper her reactions and isn't going full "MUST KILL WITH NAPALM!"
  11. xbox432

    Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

    Hmm, I always thought he sent his double in both timelines and just acted through a hidden camera and microphone to watch the area, and a small speaker in his helmet to give directions. After all, no reason to put himself in danger unless he has to. So he may as well stay back and puppet his...